building a computer need help

I have one last question. Is this motherboard better than the other one? I have a few extra dollars so i wanted to get a better motherboard, and plus i saw on the CPU reveiws someone said it overclocks easy with the right motherboard Is that true?
Praetor said:
What is the other motherboard? :)
its between these two:
I have already bought these parts by the way
I know I still need a case and hard drive but I have an old case and hard-drive I can use for now. I know I already asked this but is there anything missing. I can't wait to put my computer together and start it up :D .
As for mobos, with NF4 boards, they're all roughly the same really: the separation only starts with the NF4Ultra boards. I personally would get the ASUS board cuz im much more familiar with ASUS' standard layouts and i like their standard "PCProbe".
Praetor said:
As for mobos, with NF4 boards, they're all roughly the same really: the separation only starts with the NF4Ultra boards. I personally would get the ASUS board cuz im much more familiar with ASUS' standard layouts and i like their standard "PCProbe".
ok thank you very very much I just wanted to check with you before i bought it because i dont want any bad parts in my computer
I got every part I need to build the computer and get it running except for the motherboard I'm having trouble deciding between this:
and this:
then after I buy the motherboard I will have a computer but it will have a cheap hard drive and case in it so I know i'm going to get this:
and probably this hard drive (unless there is a better brand out there):
but for the case im having trouble deciding whether to get this cool nzxt one
or this thermaltake one
and with a soundcard the sound is better than with onboard sound right? so I'll need something like this
and I also need speakers and i have to go cheap because im on a $800 budget and i already spent around $500 so these are good right? I also need a keyboard and mouse which i already decided but here they are again:
and the last thing I want is a good dvd burner and possibly a dvd-drive so the burning process goes faster:
can you guys help me decide which motherboard and case I should get and can you also make sure every thing here is neccesary and made by trusted brands. I'm trying to spend only $300 on all of this (minus the motherboard, OS, and hard drive) so if this stuff is way over $300 I also need to make it around $300 or $400.
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I think that a lot of people on this forum dont mind onboard sound. I've heard people say that they dont notice a difference between the onboard sound and a sound card. It kind of depends on what sound card you get. I have the same sound card and speakers as what you linked above. I love the sound card, and the speakers are on their way to my house, cant wait...As far as the motherboards, I'm not sure (I dont have AMD). But I am very happy with my ASUS, so I think either one of those would be a good choice.

Lamilia said:
It gets rid of static electricity so you dont fry your computer. make your own thread from now on please.
He just asked a simple question....What is your problem? If you want people to help you, i suggest you be a little kinder to others.
Also stop bumping so often. If you want answers, wait for them. People don't live here.
liquidshadow said:
He just asked a simple question....What is your problem? If you want people to help you, i suggest you be a little kinder to others.
What I told him what it was for then simply suggested to make a new thread from now on.
b182tm said:
I think that a lot of people on this forum dont mind onboard sound. I've heard people say that they dont notice a difference between the onboard sound and a sound card. It kind of depends on what sound card you get. I have the same sound card and speakers as what you linked above. I love the sound card, and the speakers are on their way to my house, cant wait...As far as the motherboards, I'm not sure (I dont have AMD). But I am very happy with my ASUS, so I think either one of those would be a good choice.

thanks I'll probably go with the more expensive motherboard and not get a sound card for now.
liquidshadow said:
If you want people to help you, i suggest you be a little kinder to others.
jeez you are acting like I was extremely mean to him I just told him to make his own thread from now on (i should've also said or use the search feature)
liquidshadow said:
Also stop bumping so often.
I'm bumping so often because I need this information as soon as possible.
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well what do you want to know lol. why did u bump? i didm't se any question seems like your computer is fine.. oo umm how about 50 dollars for accesories amd like round ide cables cathodes sleeving kits and such... cuz you don't you wnt all that well spent money to look pleasing to your eye?
b00gi mAM said:
well what do you want to know lol. why did u bump? i didm't se any question seems like your computer is fine.. oo umm how about 50 dollars for accesories amd like round ide cables cathodes sleeving kits and such... cuz you don't you wnt all that well spent money to look pleasing to your eye?
Lamilia said:
I got every part I need to build the computer and get it running except for the motherboard I'm having trouble deciding between this:
and this:
then after I buy the motherboard I will have a computer but it will have a cheap hard drive and case in it so I know i'm going to get this:
and probably this hard drive (unless there is a better brand out there):
but for the case im having trouble deciding whether to get this cool nzxt one
or this thermaltake one
and with a soundcard the sound is better than with onboard sound right? so I'll need something like this
and I also need speakers and i have to go cheap because im on a $800 budget and i already spent around $500 so these are good right? I also need a keyboard and mouse which i already decided but here they are again:
and the last thing I want is a good dvd burner and possibly a dvd-drive so the burning process goes faster:
can you guys help me decide which motherboard and case I should get and can you also make sure every thing here is neccesary and made by trusted brands. I'm trying to spend only $300 on all of this (minus the motherboard, OS, and hard drive) so if this stuff is way over $300 I also need to make it around $300 or $400.
my bad well evrything seems fine the more epensive mobo is only like 11 mor $ so it wouldn't husrt to get it
ok I decided to not get the sound card for now because sound doesn't matter just as long as it can be loud and it doesn't sound like its underwater or whatever. Im going to get the seagate HDD because I didn't find any that were 80gb that were also way cheaper. I'm probably going to get the mor expemsive motherboard because I heard good things about it. I'm going to get the DVD drive and the dvd/cd burner eventually but for now I have a dvd/cd drive I can paint black and use. I have no idea where I'm going to put the speakers but I will still get them. For the case I think I will get the NZXT one because it looks like it has a front vent and it also has a tempurature LCD and a side window plus it's cheaper. I'll get the total in a few minutes
EDIT: only including the things that aren't neccesary to get the computer running (motherboard is only thing neccesary) and not including the CD/DVD drive and burner (i'm getting those when my current DVD drive breaks or something) the total is $369.58 which is pretty good I think
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I'm bumping so often because I need this information as soon as possible.
There's bumping and then there's annoy-the-community-bumping :)

The general principle of "if you have to ask, you prolly wont notice the difference" applies. but as for the two mobos, i wouldnt buy either ... of course im not one to like clicking on newegg links either so i only looked at the mobos and nothing else
Praetor said:
There's bumping and then there's annoy-the-community-bumping :)

The general principle of "if you have to ask, you prolly wont notice the difference" applies. but as for the two mobos, i wouldnt buy either ... of course im not one to like clicking on newegg links either so i only looked at the mobos and nothing else
sorry about the bumping. Why wouldnt you buy either mobo?