Building or Purchasing A New Computer. . .Any Suggestions or Comments?

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loeakaodas said:
ABS also make high end AMD and Intel computers.

To make a long story short, if I had ABS to build one for me, they would be next to the cheapest, with everything I wanted, overall system. Of course they pretty much build systems, with many other manufacturer names.

If I did buy from ABS, here would be the specs:

OS - Win XP Pro
Case - Coolermaster Cavalier
Mobo - ASUS A8V Deluxe 939 Processor
Processor - AMD Athlon 64 3500+ L2 Cache
Cooling - Thermaltake Silentboost K8 Copper Heatsink & Fan
Power Supply - Antec TRUE480 480W Power Supply
Memory - 2 GB Kingston PC3200 DDR RAM
Video Card - nVIDIA GeForce 6800 Ultra 256MB DDR 256-bit DVI 8X AGP
Sound Card - Creative Labs Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS 7.1 with 1394
Hard Drive - 2 X 250 GB Hitachi 7200 RPM
DVD-Rom - Sony 16 x DVD-ROM
DVD RW - Sony 16X DVD+/-R DVD Burner
Floppy Drive - Sony 3.5 Floppy Drive
LCD - 19" Samsung Flat Panel

I would get the system in less than a week. So, would I be better off still building my own, or possibly purchasing one online that I configured myself?
for the dvd gwt the samsung LG i have it it does everything dvd rw and cd rw and plays both and looks reaaly nice
if you are going to spend $2000, I put one together on newegg for $2100 and it looks pretty good. If you want you can change the processor for AMD.$2,041.77

I also put another intel setup together for $1600. The processor is slower, only 1 GB of ram instead of 2 (but it's PC 6400), the keyboard and mouse are also not as good, and neither is the sound card. It is still a good setup for $1600 though and u can add to it.$1,553.84
i will keep putting some together if you want. i am still trying to make a setup that i want to buy for myself also
Yeah I said I wanted to spend around the $2,000 mark. If I build it myself, it will be my first build, and I've priced it all at newegg for a little more than $2,000.

If I buy the Aurora from Alienware, it will run me closer to $3,000. If I buy the XPS from Dell, it will run me about $2,500. Of course, even the same specs I want from HP, Gateway & Sony will run me as much as the Dell. However, I don't really want another HP. Gateway isn't my favorite company with the parts they use, and Sony is a little overpriced because of the brandname.
Ok, I haven't purchased either the parts from, or the system from a manufacturer as of yet. However, the time is near for me to make a decision, so to speak.

I haven't never built a computer, at all. I build cars all night long, since I work for an auto manufacturer; but I haven't never built a computer from the ground up.

Would I be better off building one from Alienware, ABS, Dell, etc.? Or would I be better off building one myself, considering I have never built one before, and don't have the slightest idea on where to start after I get the parts? I know the parts I want, what to get, and where they go. However, I don't know what precautions are needed in order to build one, like grounding myself, locations on building the computer and making sure I buy compatible parts.
I haven't made up my mind, to whether I will build it myself, or configure it online, already assembled
If yer up for it i'd suggest building it yerself: not because its most likely cheaper but because u have a lot more control and flexibility over the parts selection

Motherboard - Gigabyte Mobo 4 DDR, 2 PCI-E x 1, 2 PCI-E x 16, 2 PCI, 4 GB expandable, LAN, No integrated video
Video Card - BFG Tech GeForce 6800Ultra 256mb PCI-E x 16
For an NF4 chipset, consider MSI or DFI as they make absolutely amazing boards

Cooling - Probably Thermaltake, Aspire or Coolermaster fans. Not sure how many yet, depending on the case I have. Decided not too go with liquid cooling, considering I probably won't overclock anything.
Also consider Thermalright XP90c (or plain XP90) and a Panaflow fan or even the Arctic Cooling 64

But, I have dealt with computers for more than 20 years. And I have no problem building things with my hands, and assembling and connecting plenty of electronic equipment
Bah, you'll be more than able to handle things IMO

And how would I connect an additional cooling fan, say a Thermaltake Silent Boost?
# of fans and fan configuration depends on the case and when you max out the case's capacity for fans ... your ability/desire to start drilling/cutting

Prettty good setup. My only comment would be on the RAM why get 4 sticks of 512 MB when you can get 2 sticks of 1 GB and probably get better performance and dual channel them.
Because its cheaper to get 4x512 than 2xz1024

The majority of the time I will playing games like SimCity 4 Rush Hour, which seems to be a RAM hog. Other games that I play are Star Wars Galaxies, any of the Tom Clancey games by Ubisoft (Ghost Recon/Rainbow 6/Farcry), and some fantasy anime games. Also, I'm a multimedia freak as well.
SimCity4 while it is a RAM hog, isnt *that* bad ... multimedia stuff will however kill yer memory :)

Well to be honest, there's a couple of other manufacturers that add PCI express nVidia 6800 256 mb, but they aren't ultra's. (Dell XPS Gen 5)
Thats a good thing: yer paying a massive premium for an extra 50Mhz

but by the time that we will even need 4 gigs of ram we will most likely have a new computer, almost nobody even uses anywhere close to 1gig right now, i use 400mb at a max right now
I'll chew out 4GB of memory in about 20minutes in photoshop or MAX

However, I would consider Alienware as a mainstream manufacturer, whereas companies like ABS, VooDoo & Falcon Northwestwould be considered custom built machines.
Why this distinction?

The only comment I have to add to this is that if you are going to be using XP, I believe even after SP2, it still only can utilize 1.5 gigs of RAM. I might be wrong, but I believe that that is the case...
You can utilize well past 1.5GB of RAM :)

Mobo - ASUS A8V Deluxe 939 Processor
Do try and avoid this motherboard if possible, it have it on my terminal system now and its a serious pain (not because of ASUS, but because of the via chipset on it ... of course if you're adament about getting a via chipset, this is the board to get)

gwt the samsung LG
Samsung and LG are two different brands and neither are particularly great for optical drives

Would I be better off building one from Alienware, ABS, Dell, etc.? Or would I be better off building one myself, considering I have never built one before, and don't have the slightest idea on where to start after I get the parts?
With 20years of exposure to parts i would hardly consider you to not be able to build a computer if we just gave you parts and left you there without any help :) The only really "tricky" stuff i'd say is connecting the front-panel stuff to the motherboard (i.e., power button, IDE light etc) but thats all clealy laid out in the manual
Well, Praetor I really appreciate the time that you spent typing and considering all of that. However, I still have questions that run through my mind. It's almost like I am not having enough faith in myself, and wanting someone to hold my hand as I go. When, I know I can do it. . .Just don't know if I make the right decision, sometimes.


1. Why considering DFI & MSI over Gigabyte? The prices are very similar, and the options are roughly the same. I am unaware of quality when it comes to motherboards. Is that the issue?

2. Fans are something I have'nt quite understood as of yet. So, it all depends on the case that I purchase, as to how many fans I can put in? After that I will have to modify if any other fans are added, right? And most heatsinks are added onto the chips, right? Will any other heatsinks be needed throughout the system?

3. Multimedia in my eyes, is nothing more than music and the related software than comes along with it. About the only other multimedia features I desire usually deal with my camera. I don't have a DVD on this system, but plan on having one on the system I build/buy.

4. That motherboard I had listed that you told me not to buy was the one I just had configured at ABS's web-site. I didn't plan on buying it, and I have always heard that ASUS is a cheaper mobo.

5. Overall, I have a feeling most everything is laid out within the manuals provided from each product. However, I'm not aware of all of the precautions needed when assembling the computer. And what other small items would be needed when piecing it all together. Also, are all of the parts I listed a page or two back compatible with each other? I don't want to buy a part from Newegg, and come to find out that it isn't compatible with the other parts. What other things would I need to know before purchasing everything?
1. why considering DFI & MSI over Gigabyte? the prices are very similar, and the options are roughly the same. i am unaware of quality when it comes to motherboards. is that the issue?
i guess i worded things badly. when i know roughly what a platform is that someone wants to build i usually dont suggest a "brand" but rather i suggest a specific model or line of products. the reasoning for this is that suggesting by brand (i.e., ASUS, MSI etc) can lead to "exception cases' (i.e., all of these boards are good except for that one which reallly *really* sucks). a good exmpale of this is:
- for Intel boards, ASUS is the route to go and specifically Intel and nvidia chipset based boards. there arent many exceptions here so i can broadly reccomend ASUS
- for K7 boards, ASUS again also shows up near the top provided its nForce2 based (although they still do an excellent job with via based board... but via chipsets arent the greatest period)
- for K8 boards however, ASUS hasnt shone through as previous and it just so happens that MSI and DFI, imo, have the best boards for K8 setups. again a limitation: this applies only to nForce3 and nForce4 based boards. if you're gettin a via chipset, the ASUS seems to be a very well put together board but again, via chipsets arent the greatest. dont get me wrong however, ASUS boards wont fail you (as i dont reccomend boards or brands that have quality control issues) but it just wont perform as well as an equivalent MSI/DFI board
- in light of this, the three K8 boards i'd reccomend are the MSI neo2 (for AGP users) and the MSI neo4 (for PCIe users who want very good oc capability + onboard hardware audio and lots of features) and the DFI lanparty4 (for PCIe users who want brute force oc capability)
- gigabye as of recent (last 2 years maybe) has really delved into the "making wierd off the hook" products which can be neato (like their dualcore 66gt and 68gt) but also has some catches like limited compatability and stuff... nothing wrong with their boards per se, it's just performancewise, MSI and DFI do stand out

2. fans are something i have'nt quite understood as of yet. so, it all depends on the case that i purchase, as to how many fans i can put in? after that i will have to modify if any other fans are added, right? and most heatsinks are added onto the chips, right? will any other heatsinks be needed throughout the system?
- if you buy say a chenming 602 you can fit 4 80mm fans on it (2 front, 2 back)... more if you get one with a place built into side. if you want more fans than you'll need to start cutting holes into the case
- you can buy heatsinks all on their own like say the Thermalright xp90c and usually those are extremelye well made heatsinks (i mean about standalone heatsinks, the x90c is stellar as is every Thermalright heatsink)
- more commonly you'll buy a hsf (heatsink-fan) combination with both together like say a Thermaltake Venus12 or the Arctic Cooling freezer 64

3. multimedia in my eyes, is nothing more than music and the related software than comes along with it. about the only other multimedia features i desire usually deal with my camera. i don't have a dvd on this system, but plan on having one on the system i build/buy.
i dont remember what the original comment was that sparked this but if i recall it was a ram amount type question. in light of that 1gb is probably sufficient, if you want to get 2gb go for it but you most likely wont notice an earth shattering difference with what you do. do however, get a dual channel setup to maximize available bandwidth

4. that motherboard i had listed that you told me not to buy was the one i just had configured at abs's web-site. i didn't plan on buying it, and i have always heard that ASUS is a cheaper mobo.
if you want a K8T800pro board, thats the one to get, i just think that the MSI neo2 (nf3ultra) is a superior AGP based board

what other things would i need to know before purchasing everything?
have a look at the links at the top of QUESTIONS 101 and if you could post an updated finalized list of parts, id be more than glad to have a lookover.
Alright Praetor, here's a rough sketch, of what I want. Let me know if they are compatible with each other, and any feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Processor - AMD Athlon 64 3700 San Diego Socket 939
Motherboard - Gigabyte Mobo 4 DDR, 2 PCI-E x 1, 2 PCI-E x 16, 2 PCI, 4 GB expandable, LAN, No integrated video
Video Card - BFG Tech GeForce 6800Ultra 256mb PCI-E x 16
RAM - 4 x 512 MB (Probably Corsair or OCZ)
Hard Drive - Western Digital Serial ATA 7200 RPM 250 x 2 HB
DVD Combo Drive - Samsung, LG or Toshiba
CD/DVD Drive - Same as above
Cooling - Probably Thermaltake, Aspire or Coolermaster fans. Not sure how many yet, depending on the case I have. Decided not too go with liquid cooling, considering I probably won't overclock anything.
Case - Not sure yet. . .I really like alot of the models manufactured by Coolermaster, Thermaltake & Aspire.
LCD - Probably will be the last of the selection. I'm prefering a 19" - 24" display.
Lighting - Any avalible ideas and walkthroughs will be greatly appreciated!!

Any ideas on anything else I will need, besides a keyboard, mouse & connectors?
motherboard - Gigabyte mobo 4 DDR, 2 PCI-e x 1, 2 PCI-e x 16, 2 PCI, 4 GB expandable, lan, no integrated video
1. the make is Gigabyte, what's the model? realistically id really consider MSI/DFI but before i criticize the Gigabyte board, it would be nice to know which one im dealing with

video card - bfg tech geforce 6800ultra 256mb PCI-e x 16
well two suggestions here: spend the extra $100 and get the 7800gtx or save yer money and get the 6800gt

dvd combo drive - samsung, lg or Toshiba
avoid all three makes. have a look at CD/DVD 101

any ideas on anything else i will need, besides a keyboard, mouse & connectors?
a good power supply. see PSU 101.
It was the Gigabyte GA-K8NU-SLI Socket 939 NVIDIA nForce4 SLI ATX AMD Motherboard, if that's the description your looking for.

Actually, at newegg, the 7800 is $620, and the Ultra that I was going to get is now within the "refurbished" category. The GT is now what I am considering, around the $400 mark. BFG isn't the only manufacturer I am looking at. PNY, MSI & AOpen are options, as well.

As for the drives, that was one category I was confused about, since I don't have a DVD drive now. All I have now is a 48X CD drive & a 16X CD-RW drive; both are Panasonic. I am wanting a DVD drive and a DVD burner. Don't DVD drives read CD format, as well?

As for the power supply; many of the cases come with power supplies, exceeding what I need. However, I have always heard they aren't the best to use. Also, I was gonna try to stay within the 450w to 500w at most. I was going to try to stay with the same manufacturer as the case I bought. (Thermaltake or Aspire for example)

And actually, I'm leaning toward the Aspire cases & Aspire power supplies, as well. But, thats not from experience or hearsay; only specs & photos of them.
Pride said:
And actually, I'm leaning toward the Aspire cases & Aspire power supplies, as well.

if you really want aspire , heres some links to their "better" PSU's
450watt +12v @ 30amps $46.00
500watt +12v @ 34amps $55.00
550watt +12v @ 36amps $70.00
This one's really good at a price tho
Yeah I viewed most of the cases & power supplies from and the actual web-site ( I'm just confused about the compatibility issues and little tweaks I need to know along the way.
Actually, at newegg, the 7800 is $620, and the Ultra that I was going to get is now within the "refurbished" category. The GT is now what I am considering, around the $400 mark.
Ah that makes a lot of sense (about the refurbished) ... cuz the normal 6800U isnt that far behind price of the 7800s

As for the drives, that was one category I was confused about, since I don't have a DVD drive now. All I have now is a 48X CD drive & a 16X CD-RW drive; both are Panasonic. I am wanting a DVD drive and a DVD burner. Don't DVD drives read CD format, as well?
Yes they do but CD drives tend to have more functionality and performance when it comes to dealing with CD media (which shouldnt be a surprise). But unless you plan on going hardcore with your optical media, it shoudlnt matter too much

As for the power supply; many of the cases come with power supplies, exceeding what I need. However, I have always heard they aren't the best to use. Also, I was gonna try to stay within the 450w to 500w at most. I was going to try to stay with the same manufacturer as the case I bought. (Thermaltake or Aspire for example)
1. Thermaltake doesnt know how to make powersupplies. Out of their zillions of models, they have like 2 good ones.
2. Ditto for Aspire (but not as bad)

I'm just confused about the compatibility issues and little tweaks I need to know along the way.
Unless theres a specific case u have in mind, they should be mostly compatible universally

*just noticed yer other thread* (since youve decided on building), i'll close this one :)
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