C++ Anyone??


New Member
I am currently learning visual c++ programming... and i had a question i was hoping someone could answer for me...

does anyone know how to change the text and dialog box colors in C++??

thanks any input would be appreciated..
BTW do you know visual basic, cause i a learning it and i wanna know if you have any good idea about how to learn it easily from online lessons, tutorials and stuff.
no i have not had any experience with vb, i will be learning it in the near future but have little to tell u right now...

Sebouh said:
BTW do you know visual basic, cause i a learning it and i wanna know if you have any good idea about how to learn it easily from online lessons, tutorials and stuff.

If anything I would recommend learning VB.Net. Visual Basic 6.0 is going to be replaced.. and in some cases is already being replaced with the .Net framework.

With Visual Studio.NET you can use all of the event handling capabilities (and more) of Visual Basic and actually code the events in c++, c#, or J#. ..pretty cool.

I learned VB from a book called "Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 An Object-Oriented Approach" Michael Ekedahl and William Newman.

The way I learned VB.Net was actually by constantly using MSDN help documentation. I converted my VB projects in VB.Net projects that way.

Sebouh said:
well C++ is harder, so why don’t you start with VB?

Many times C++ is taught first so that the principles can be applied to VB. I do not see a problem with learning VB first, but many times it is easier to teach object.property / row.column in C++.
Well i had a book called "Introduction to computer programming with Visual Basic 6 " with Harriger, Alka R. and it was pretty good, but then i stopped learning some weeks ago since i had lessons. but i am looking forward to continue. but is there a large difference between C++, VB.NET and VB 6 language and capabilities?
in visual studio.net, all languages run under the .net framework, which simply means that all classes, objects and strings are defined by microsoft standards which are similar to standard ansci c, but still a variation.

that is not to say that standard c++ code will not work in visual studio.net, it just needs to be declared at the start of the program or pointed to in a header file.
Praetor said:
VB is, for all intents and purposes, english.
Praetor said:
C/C++ is code

Yeah, VB has been refined many times making its code a lot easier to understand and manipulate. But it is still code

I think C++ first is still the way to go. If I had to learn it first, so should everyone else

sypher822 said:
that is not to say that standard c++ code will not work in visual studio.net, it just needs to be declared at the start of the program or pointed to in a header file.

Very true, I have created a few C programs under the .NET umbrella with ease. But the real benefits come when you are able to combine all of these languages in one .NET project.

Sebouth said:
]but is there a large difference between C++, VB.NET and VB 6 language and capabilities?

Like Sypher822 said, C++ is still C++ for the most part uner the .NET environment. VB.NET and VB 6 are different. VB 6 was modified so that C++, C# and J# would able to be incorporated into the VB code. So instead of tweaking all of the other languages, there are a lot of subtle differences in the VB coding.
The first book in your way of learning of C++ could be "Learning C++" from Jesse Liberty. It is great author and he wrote many books(more advanced about object programming too). If you sucessfully finish this book you will be a little "advanced" in C++. But this helps you to learn language not Visual C++ enviroment(libraries,MFC,etc.). There is many Visual C++ online helps n the internet, but I don't remember resource-site thought. I downloaded it from site by BlackWidow and have learnt it off-line.
OK, then what i have concluded is that i should learn C++, and the rest will be easier.
BTW, my name is Sebouh, not Sebouth.
Sebouh said:
BTW, my name is Sebouh, not Sebouth.

I apologize… I added the t by mistake.

Actually, this thread has gotten way off topic.

Lets stay on topic and help sypher822.
I just found out that there is a C++ .NET too. What the hell does this do diff from the others??
the only difference is that C++.Net is microsoft version C++ instead of standard C++.

there are different classes, sub-classes, header files etc, altho std c++ classes can be added thru declarations, or pointing to headers, (haven't i said this b4)

the visual studio.net environment is very easy to use and a good learning environment, for beginners...

i use visual studio.net which integrates C++, C#, J#, and VB, so they can be used in the same platform (.NET).
does anyone have a recommendation as to where i can go to find out the answer to my question...

the microsoft MSDN help database is a joke... like looking for a needle in a hay stack.
sypher822 said:
does anyone have a recommendation as to where i can go to find out the answer to my question...

the microsoft MSDN help database is a joke... like looking for a needle in a hay stack.

Are you refering to the font dialog box and the color dialog box which are part of the common dialog box?