C Programming Help


New Member
I'm new at everything to do with programming and I got "C For Dummies" by Dan Gookin, I just got vista as well. I know I can use the editor and stuff that comes with windows but I got Dev-C++ which he recommends because he uses it for the book and it installs perfectly until I try and compile a .c file in command prompt. I type "gcc WHORU.c -o whoru" into it and it gives me a message saying "gcc:installation problem, cannot exec 'cc1' : no such file or directory".
I googled it, but anything that came up with stuff I didn't understand. Can someone explain it in a real language (english preferably)


New Member
At a cursory glance, it seems that dev-C++ and MinGW is not working under Vista yet. Looks like the workaround is to either use a different OS or use MVC++. I don't have Vista, so maybe someone else has been able to fix this?