Cannot Receive Verification Email from X streamer. Help.


Dear Sir/Ms,

If this is the wrong forum, or not appropriate, please advise me.

I have a problem no one, my servers included, seems to be able to figure out.

I receive emails with no problem, including emails with a 4 digit code so as I can verify my email address.

However, with X streamer in France, I can receive emails but not verify emails with a 4 digit code. Been over a week now
with no luck. Provider says they have worked with the spam filter to allow me to receive the email. They finally told me
to use Gmail.

As of now, I still do not receive the verify email from X streamer; not in spam, deleted, nor other folder in Outlook.

I have windows 7 64, Microsoft outlook 2007.

Any thoughts that I should investigate in my computer or otherwise?

Thanks for your time and efforts.
