Cannot Write To Registry?


New Member
I attempted to load a policy editor onto my computer the other day.

When i made the desired changes to the .adm templates for poledit.exe, it would not allow me to save to the registry... i was given an error message.

Why may i be unable to write to the computers registry?

No, actually i am running Windows XP Professional. I am setup with the administrator account.

I have not been able to enable the template with my changes. So, the "Disable Registry Editing Tools" is not even in effect on my system.
You have any security apps in the background to lockdown registry from remote (and even local) access?
No, all i am running is windows xp professional, plus a few games and microsoft office.

i don't have a network or even an internet connection, so i haven't bothered with any security apps yet.
You say you have an administrator account.... is it the "actual" Administrator account or an account with Administrative rights? If you got the OS installed by a company they may have locked out some stuff via the Administrative account