Can't Decide...


New Member
Between a 9800GT for 60 dollars or a GTS 250 for 95 dollars, is it worth the extra 35 dollars?... will i see a FPS diff from my 4670 i game at 1440X900 and my PSU is 680Watts


New Member
GTS 250 = 9800GTX+. Literally. They just renamed it to be inline with their new range. Performance wise it'll be better than the 9800GT, but it basically comes down to what your trying to use it for. If your really into the latest and greatest (even though this card wont to them at top settings) then of course spend the extra. You'd be getting a better card. But if its only occasional gaming and you really don't want to spend the difference then just go the 9800GT.


New Member
I game mostly on my PC (Wii is collecting dust).. but i play Fallout 3, X-Men, COD (love series), Fear, etc alot of FPS, and Action games... with Dirt, and Grid of course... so go with the GTS 250 then?