Case necessary?


New Member
Hey everyone, I was planning on hopefully saving enough money to build myself a decent gaming comp sometime this summer, and was just wondering if the extra 75$ for a sweet looking case is worth it. I'm not gonna be showing it off, I just want something that works, and if I can use the same case I have now and take EVERYTHING out, that'd be good. Also, building my own comp from parts from newegg would be alot cheaper than buyingn an OEM right? I want a gaming comp that'll run online games with decent graphics and very smooth.


formerly liuliuboy
I think it's definietly worth it to invest in a good case. First off, it looks good. Instead of an ugly cheapo case you have a sleek, understating; or flashy and bright (depends on what you want) case. Furthermore good cases usually have better cooling potentials.


Active Member
it really depends on your level of techiness
a case is great and worth it for all most anyone
but if your more into benching and benchmark cooling then youd be better off just making a work bench

by the looks of it you should probably just buy a 50$ case


New Member
Cheap solution from Antec:


Add a Hard disk silencer that cools as well and you'll still be cheaper then a 900


New Member
Antec Three Hundred. Do type the words rather then just 300, Antec 300 will get you a Antec 300 minuet flat Desktop case.... Which is something you'd see on schools.


Master of Turning Things Off and Back On Again
Staff member
I don't show off my case often, but people still think it looks really cool. (It's not that great.) For me though since it's right next to the monitor, I want it to look nice.


New Member
I enjoy the look of a big black box. Though, unlike you, I plan on putting it on the ground (and possibly making nice extensions on the bottom and then making fans in the bottom)