Cheap/Good Hosting Company?


New Member
I'm looking for a cheap/good/reliable hosting company for use with my churches website.

It will mostly be hosting audio files, which wouldnt be any larger than 35mb or so probably.

I would like to just have something that will allow people to play audio files using WMP,etc, and also the option to right click and download the file if they choose too.

Throw some names at me. I dont know much about this area.
I use dreamhost, and apart from the occasional downtime (which without spending loads you can't avoid) they are very good, cost's around $10 a month (plus you can get $97 off the first year using the max97 coupon, used to be able to anyway).

Also I think they used to give non-profit organisations free hosting, so you may be able to use that offer (but I'm not sure about that, can't find any info on it).

I use namecheap, forgot how much it was, but it's like $70 a year for us I don't remember. We bought the domain there also but namecheap is VERY confusing for me. I put the files up, but I can't get it to get to them :mad:

Try godaddy.