chek singal on lcd

majeed jamal

New Member
i Have a pentium 3 computer . After powering on the system there is nothing on screen . i romove the ram but there is no beeep . i also remove all hard disk ,flopy and cd room cables . but the problem is not solved . i also reset the bios by romoving silver battery for 30 second . But The Condition is still same . Dont Know what to do . Help Me please .
In a previous thread of yours, you mention that processor fans aren't working, and you hear beeps. If you can't see anything on your display, try another monitor, or another display cable. If fans aren't working, most likely your Power supply unit has failed. Do you have the exact model number of your HP computer? Post it up so we can help you further.
Probably PSU has fried - I've got a stack of PSU's out of Piii systems that were scrapped for other reasons than PSU, if its not the PSU its gonna be something else, soon
Imo not worth spending money on a repair, better spent towards any newer computer that is in your budget, even if only a p4 or similar vintage refurbished system