Chrome and Firefox problem


New Member
So I am trying to access Chrome and/or Firefox, and neither will work. I am using IE currently with no problems. I try to open either of the other applications, and they don't work. If I check my task manager, it shows that firefox or chrome will be running in the processes, but they are using a lot less memory than before, and they do not actually start up. I tried DLing and reinstalling them. I was able to do this for firefox, but no change, and I was not even able to run the installer for Chrome. I'm really not sure whats up. I've tried both restarting, and changing users, and no difference. I'm running Vista.
I suspect there's a plugin error or general corruption. Try uninstalling and completely removing them and the user data and see if it helps.

Easiest way to do this (hope I'm correct assuming you have vista/7) ... Go to C:\User\(your username)\appdata\. In each folder (Local, LocalLow, Roaming) rename all occurances of Google and Mozilla/Firefox folders. You can delete them if you want, just realize you'll loose your bookmarks and such. For good measure, I'd suggest running CCleaner's registry scan too. Once all this is done, try reloading Firefox and/or Chrome