cmd netstat -n -o -p command shows no information on connections


New Member
so its strange I went into my cmd prompt typed netstat -n -o -p . just to check up on whats going on with my connection when I noticed I had "no" connections over the net that was associated with my computers pid activity. this is a copy of what I'm seeing "
>netstat -n -o -p
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State PID
but how is that possible, when I tested it again when I went online. and still no pid popping up so I decided to go the long way just to check and see if I did really have no connections established by just typing netstat in cmd. well I counted over 30 established connection and I didn't bother counting the time-waits or the closes. and no I'm not running any torrents or clients at the moment. even if I did the pid should still show up as my client program p.s. I just did a windows update 2 nights ago could this just be a bug?