Alright it will be going down on the 1st of september.
I have now figured that the best way for us all to contact will be Via MSN or Steam up untill the day if the match, I would highly suggest everyone join 4NGU$'s Steam community, which by the way 4NGU$ could you please add me (Steam:iwoopyourass737).
Now everyone who is posting remember to post your timezone, and I will also from now on be asking for your MSN, and steam so I can keep in contact with you all (I will PM all the people who have already RSVP'ed.
I will keep the list of MSN addresses and Steam id's in my CF notes..
Alright now onto the recent messages:
INTELCRAZY: Yes, you have been added to the list look at the first post, you will be under CT's as you requested.
theresthatguy: I added you to the list but could you please tell me your Steam username, MSN address, and your timezone?
4NGU$: Hey good news to hear you will be rejoining buddy but could you please tell me your Steam username, MSN address, and your timezone?
Thanks alot guys,