Computer is done and working PICS


New Member
My GPU was dead on arrival so i got the refund started and went to best buy and got myself a GFX amd radeon 6770 1gb which started up instantly. complete plug and play ability.
plays hellgate london on max 64fps during fights,
wow is loading at over 100fps on max
bioshock 2 is unplayable. but it seems to be that way for everybody lol.. wont even load the game it just freezes all over the place and crashes and everything else,

and im installing dead rising now.
let you know how that one goes.

taking more pics now and then im uploading.

yeah i mainly went for cooling ability on the case. i heard good things and they were true. my cpu under heavy stress, (not an actual stress test, please tell me how to do one, lol) only reached 42 degrees, it averages at 33. im extremely happy. my case is freezing cold all the time and it runs stupid fast (i can do a restart in roughly 18 seconds, including loggin in) yes i timed that LOL.

And the different colors actually cycle through by them selves. i can set it to stay at one color but it adds a nice glow to my room, constantly changing through a TON of colors lol. i just happened to capture pictures on those colors lol

Heres some more pics. Just so you guys know it doesnt have that video card anymore, im not sure who was keeping track of my building but that video card came dead so i put in for a refund, got approved and went to best buy and bought my self a 6770 1gb XFS radeon.
its working great.

current numbers:
dead rising - during combat - completely maxed video settings - 130fps LOL i love it!

i guess i can only have so many at one time uploaded in a thread so there goes that idea lol
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yeah, that's why we rec'd the cases we did, they all had great cable management so those wires woud be hidden.
oh no i have hidden them all now.
That was before the first startup, that was the pic i took as soon as everything was in there.
They look good now, i will take another pic and post at some point of how i have done it.
My GPU was dead on arrival so i got the refund started and went to best buy and got myself a GFX amd radeon 6770 1gb which started up instantly. complete plug and play ability.
plays hellgate london on max 64fps during fights,
wow is loading at over 100fps on max
bioshock 2 is unplayable. but it seems to be that way for everybody lol.. wont even load the game it just freezes all over the place and crashes and everything else,

and im installing dead rising now.
let you know how that one goes.

taking more pics now and then im uploading.


Not bad. Not bad at all. nice quality psu
ok so here are the numbers

i forgot the 1 in the hellgate london numbers. its actually 164fps lmao
wow topped at over 150 fps
dead rising is average 90 - 110 fps
battlefield 2 caps at 100.. and NEVER drops below that.

all of these numbers are recorded using fraps. during combat. on complete MAX settings.

its freakin awesome. so happy!

p.s. Thanks for the compliment on the PSU and all the others, guys.
also thought i would post my windows performance scores for whatever it is worth?

processor: 7.3
Ram: 7.5
Graphics: 7.4
Gaming Graphics:7.5
HDD: 5.9

HDD is based on disk data transfer rate.

guess i need a faster one, lol

BTW these numbers are on a 1 - 7.9 scale. so yeah i think i did pretty good lol
Yeah I was just gonna say it will take a SSD to get that score up. Great job on the build, glad you got that card figured out!
thanks so much! i dont think i could of done it all without the support from

thanks to everyone im really happy with my build.