computer/technology quiz


New Member
kinda gone dead for a while so ill kick it back up.
the first gen of amd cpu's were the K5 then came K6 then K7 then K8 what is the next going to be? ( it comes out in mid 2007)


New Member
sorry 34erd you missed your opertunity. here is my question.

When was the term "supercomputer" first used and what computer was it refering to?


Truth fears no questions
mrjack said:
A simple one, what is the VIR triangle?

An easy way of remembering the equations for Ohm's law

and about apj101's 9/11 question (If I was not out of town I would have guess it... we talked about that in the MM/DD/YYYY vs. DD/MM/YYYY thread awhile ago..:rolleyes: )


Truth fears no questions
mrjack said:
Your turn to ask a question, SFR.

I honestly can not think of a difficult question..

How about a unix question...

What is the term used for directing the output of one process as the input of another process?