Computer Won't Turn On


Very confused right now and wonder if it is my power supply or what. Came to my computer and moved he mouse no picture etc like its still sleeping. The red light is on for power on the tower. I am not getting no picture also my CD-ROM drive wont open, no light for the laser for the mouse nothing. Tried different power outlets etc. I opened the case everything is moving like the fans etc. I see the green light on the motherboard but what I did notice is that the power supply fan not moving... Do you think the power supply is causing all of this to where i cannot turn on my computer? I mean the fans are moving etc but maybe the power supply is not giving enough power to turn it on now? Wonder if it craped the bed. Any idea or thoughts?
Store bought pc or custom built? Is there a system speaker attached to the motherboard to where you can hear bios beeps? I doubt its the power supply since fans are working.
Yes typically when i boot it up it will beep but nothing it starts to but everything is much quieter i feel like. Custom built had it for over a year or 2.
it's a TX750. I did unhook everything and tried plugging back in to see if a reset of the cables would do anything but did not. What do you mean check it like just physically look at it?
What I was thinking of doing is just running to best buy tomorrow buy one test it out if it's not that then that rules that out and just return it.
Seems motherboard isn't getting power along with your cd drive. Odd that the tx750 would go out only after 2 years, or is it older then 2 years. I have the tx650 going on over 5 years and still going. Just get a good unit, no dynex brand. I do believe they carry corsair. If you had a psu tester, you could test the output voltage of all leads.
Yeah ill run to Best buy tomorrow and grab one and test it. Hopefully, they have something good. Yeah i am pretty sure 2 years who knows could be longer lol. I just feel like to me its the PSU i mean the fans on the GPU and CPU just seems really soft and not spinning up fast and its odd that PSU fan is not spinning.
So i replaced the PSU still the same issue. I am not getting a picture or any bios beeps no power to the mouse etc. Only thing i am thinking is the motherboard. If it is the motherboard can I just swap it out or would it cause a problem with the hard drive? So random. It went into sleep mode overnight come back and now this.
Try resetting cmos first. Unplug power from power supply then remove cmos battery from motherboard. Press and hold power button on case for 10 seconds. Then wait 10 minutes. Then reinsert battery and reconnect power and see if it boots up.
I did that still nothing im going to stop at the store on the way back and try replacing the battery and see if that does anything.
cmos batteries will usually last 5 years or more. Have a feeling its the motherboard itself. If you get the exact same motherboard, then its just remove old one and hook up new and off you go.
Yeah i tried removing the Mem one at a time and try turning it on with one in that did not work. So if i get the same motherboard it will bootup no issues with hard drives?