connecting 2 different network?

Hello all

I was wondering how do establish an connection between 2 different network? so that we can do real time streaming video and audio. plz read the example i have medical university which just got collaborated with hospital, through which student can learn and see real time surgical operation even though are not in hospital but in university common lab.all i am trying to say is when doctors perform surgical operations it is not easy for all student to see that coz we all know it not possible but due the enhancement of tech. university thought we can setup a network through which we can establish this link.

is it possible? i have searched different website but i think its kind of limited concept. what kind software and protocol do we have use like changes need to done at LAN and WAN level.


New Member
You could just send out a stream using vlc media player. Or some other piece of software. That's not to hard.

The problem is how to get the stream to the other site. You could open up a port. Which isn't very good from a security point of view. The other option is to use a (maybe already available) vpn connection. Or setup a website on a server which is in the dmz and embed the stream in there and let the users view the website.

There really are alot of options. Depends on your current network infrastructure what the best option is.