CPU noise

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New Member
Sometimes my CPU starts making a funny noise like the fan is running very fast.It lasts for a few minutes or sometimes a few seconds.
It happens at random occasions and sometimes at startup.
What is the problem?
Intel Pentium 4
40 gb hard disk
Samsung CD Rom
256 RAM
You sure its the CPU thats making noise? Ive never heard a CPU make noise before :)
If it's a XPC like a Shuttle it may be normal.. If it's a heatpipe system the fan speed runs off the temp of ur CPU and is adjustable in ur BIOS..

My XPC's fan starts out real fast and then settles down after a few seconds..When the temp gets above 55c it will increase it's rpm's again...

If it's not an XPC then u may have a fan thats going out....replace it....
Praetor: If its not the CPU what could it be?
imjacktoo:What is a XPC?I truly don't know much about these hardware stuff so please be more descriptive.
Have u ever seen these real small computers that the front is maybe 8 or 9 inchs square and 12 inches deep....some have handles on them to carry around...

Noises ussually come from something that is mechanical like a fan or vibrations of some sort...First check ur fan on top of ur heatsink thats on top of ur cpu but noise is sometimes decieving, it could be coming from another location...

If ur just talking about on increase in speed and not a screaching sound it prolly is a smart fan or a fan with a heat sensor on it that is increasing or decreasing with the temp inside ur case or cpu...

I use to know of a online store that would let u hear each fan u wanted to buy.. some were pretty loud ..I look around for it....
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In very basic terms...

When your computer detects the CPU is getting hotter, it will give more power to the fan, which increases RPM's to cool it back down, which in the end makes the fan louder. It might speed up one minute, and once the temp drops, it will slow down, then speed up once it heats up again, and slow back down. That's my guess anyways...
If the increse in RPM due to over-heating is the cause of the 'noise' then why does it occur even at times when the PC is idle?
Vaibhav said:
If the increse in RPM due to over-heating is the cause of the 'noise' then why does it occur even at times when the PC is idle?

You don't have to be doing anything for the CPU to be working harder. It could be auto-updating from windows, maybe receiving information from a program you have hooked u pto the web...theres a number of programs that will work your computer while it's just sitting there. Also your idel temp might be 40, and your computer is going 40-41,40-41 at idle due to room temp or any varying temp changes. So its speeding up and slowing down while its just sitting there. To fix that, try raising the actual temp set to give power to the fan to maybe 45C...so it wont fluctuate as much.
The place where I live is very hot(located in central India).The noise comes sometimes comes even at startup and even when not connected to the net.
How do I change the avg temp setting?
Vaibhav said:
The place where I live is very hot(located in central India).The noise comes sometimes comes even at startup and even when not connected to the net.
How do I change the avg temp setting?

You will need to go into the BIOS i believe. Try looking for your motherboard online and see if they can tell you exactly.
Doesn't matter, u can just check out what these fans normally sound like to see if thats the noise ur hearing.....or somewhat close so u know its normal..
I not comfortable with the idea of taking apart the CPU on my own.Am lookig for the fan name in the spec. list.
I think i have to log out now.please post your reply.
will you guys be available this time tomorrow.
if not post a suitable time.
To me u don't really have a problem except an anoying fan ..But I would suggest getting a temp monitor like MBM 5 to monitor your cpu and ambient temps....it will sit down in ur system tray by the time on ur monitor...

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