Database program that allows for MS Word import/importing from MS Word to MS Access


New Member
I'm not sure what it's called, but in Word 2016, under the developer tab, you can insert these "text boxes" that have a title on them and that "sync" so when you write something in one of them it also changes in the other.

Lets say I have one of those "text boxes" named "Title" and I have a column in my database named "Title". I want to be able to import the text from that box in the Word Document to the column in Access. Preferably without having to transform the document into a text file first.

Access wont let me do this (or maybe I'm just stupid).

So now I am looking for some kind of database software, that will let me do this. I would like it to be free, or at least very low priced, as it is for a project I'm doing.

I hope it all made sense. My Office pack is not in English, so I'm not really sure how else to describe it.


New Member
The whole project is build up around these Word documents, where I will need to put in a lot of information from them, which are in those "text boxes", after the document is made. So I don't think that will work, unless there's something I'm missing.


Staff member
OK, the documents are already existing. I think you are looking for bound data controls (concept should be the same as the access form controls), but if that doesn't work your best bet might unfortunately be a VBA macro.

If you can figure out a way to read the documents, you could insert the values into a table:
It would probably rely on being run once changes are made to the documents though.


New Member
Thank you for your suggestions. I'm reading more about it right now.
Do you think it would be possible to create a form, where you can upload a file, where it handles the data as earlier mentioned?


Staff member
To upload the word docs and process them? Sure. A number of scripting languages have libraries that understand word, and they'll all have some form of database interaction.

The most difficult part of it is making sure the language in the word doc is machine readable. You don't want a false positive on record parsing if you have more than 1 per document.

Realistically though, without knowing exactly the need I'd still say an access form with bound controls is your best bet. You might have the one time hit of converting the word docs but going forward you'd be good.