
I have ddr 333 right now (if that means n.etin to u guys) and i was thinkin about gettin ddr2 since looks fasters shrugs

so wonder if it was compatible and ifi just need to match up the pins


Staff member
The only chipsets supporting DDR2 are the Intel 9x5s for Socket775 so odds are that means a CPU, MOBO and card change (in addition to the DDR2).

As for lining up pins, you wont be able to line 240 pins up into a 184 pin socket :)


New Member
yeah ddr2 is a totally different socket. it's also very expensive, i just built a socket T machine, it's nice... but it costs a fortune for PCIe vid cards and ddr2.


Staff member
Funny thing with DDR2 too is that to really separate it from High performance, DDR, one needs to clock the DDR2 modules really high to compensate for the latencies :)