Debian 11


I am considering running Debian 11 on a desktop.

The desktop will typically be used for office work. A lot of email uses Outlook on the Web, running on Microsoft's
Exchange Server. Microsoft's Teams software is also used.

It is very important that the system is stable. Debian 11 is a fairly new release.

If you have experience in running Debian 11, how stable have you found it ?

Debian 11 would be run with the AMD Ryzen 5 5600x CPU.


Staff member
Do you explicitly need a Linux device? Seems like Windows makes more sense considering you're using primarily Microsoft applications.

Also as a general rule, for anything of high importance I wouldn't recommend the latest release of anything.


Staff member
Since you aren't that familiar with a *nix environment while additionally leveraging other MS products, it'd be worth the fee in the Windows license to simply use that on the PC, comparative to the hassle and labor cost of getting it going how you'd like.

Linux distros are great, if you're familiar with the dependencies of the environment and how to leverage them.
May I recommend Pop! OS. It's a distribution used by a hardware vendor and it's very polished and stable. It's a Ubuntu/Debian fork, so basically you have the same commands and very similar repositories. Interface is GNOME3, with a task bar at the bottom (similar to Mac) and the activities/indicator bar at the top. I've been using it for about two years and I'm very satisfied.


New Member
As late as this reply is, I have to say that Debian 11 is extremely stable, however out of the box the desktop is a complete wreck, requiring quite awhile setting it up to how you can actually use it (thanks gnome). Once there though, it is quite nice and stable and will more than likely outlast you.

However, as the above replies say, you should stick to windows for your work machine and maybe play with linux in a VB.


New Member
As no reply from OP, I have to say Debian per se is a real PITA to install. No way will I discourage you from using GNU/Linux (see my handle)
but I would highly recommend getting used to how Linux does things before jumping in with both feet.

Check out MX Linux, antiX, Devuan, the new Peppermint and others first, I'd say. I especially suggest the new peppermintos, as it is now Debian and no longer a 'buntu derivative. It is more beginner-friendly than Debian 11 itself. See


New Member
Debian is a great choice for the desktop or server. Debian 11 is stable and documentation is solid. Debian repositories are full of relevant software. Installation is straight forward, can choose install methods- from the 'live' session, or choose Grahical installer or the traditional.