Dell Computers


New Member
I am thinking about getting a Dell computer and I would like to know what experiences people have had with them. What things you liked about them what things you didn't like about them.
Every dell i know has...
1) screen cracked
2) battery died
3) mobo is crapping out
4) not compadable hardware
5) over priced

That are all i can think of now but there are a few more...
Personally, I've had bad experiences with them.

The first one that was bought, never turned on to begin with(after being delivered late to boot). Apparently the Motherboard was fried, so after waiting another week for a repair person to come, they put it in, and off we went. a couple weeks in the computer started running slow, so we called dell, at which point they told us to buy more ram, told us the exact one to buy, and we did. Well, It A)wouldn't fit, and B) The Dell person we talked to, gave us horribly wrong info. We need to buy ram "Special" from Dell, for an out rageous cost. And the Computer NEVER worked properly.

The second time my parents bought a Dell, was a Dell Cash Register for their store. This too, was late on delivery, by a MONTH. They paid in upwards of $4000 for a top of the line Register, and was sent a less then satisfactory one.(the one sent only cost $2000). after battling with them for months over the price, we finally got the money owed to us back. While this was happening the register sat, because The Scanner wouldn't work, and the computer wouldn't start. after waiting literally a YEAR for it to work, someone came, and fixed it. The scanner still dosn't work, the mother board fried on it AGAIN, AND the program is defective, so GST adds on twice, or is too much, or the total is off. Absolute crap.

Around my city, everyone uses Dells in their stores... And i've asked every person i saw, what they thought. EVERY SINGLE PERSON said they didn't like it, ran into problems, and it was a HUGE hassle for everything.

The upside, is the cost... Its all noname brand components so its like 2 cents for a desktop, lol.

maybe its just where im from, but i got screwed everytime with dells.

The only Manufacturer computers i like is Gateway. Never had a problem i couldn't fix with my laptop(worse thing was my wireless stopped working for about 15 mins, then realized i was out of range).

Just my story, and Two Cents :)

Hope you make a right choice, and goodluck!
Well my experience hasnt been THAT bad...however it still wasn't pleasant. My Dell Dimension E521 that I bought a few months ago is problems or anything...except for the fact that it was ridiculously overpriced. I could build the same system today for about $500.
A couple of facts about Dell.

1. They use the cheapest parts they can find. They buy in bulk, and who ever gives them the best price, they go for it. It does not matter if it's western digital or maxtor.

2. You never know what parts you are going to get in your system. Because they buy in bulk, you could get either really good parts, or very poor parts. It's the luck of the draw.

3. Their basic tech support is one of the worst. If you want decent support (and decent is used loosely) you have to pay for the premium support.

So in so many words, Do NOT buy from Dell.

If you really want to buy a pre built system, I would have to recommend HP. I am not a fan of prebuilt systems at all. But HP systems are fairly reliable. Just do not buy one from Walmart or someplace like that. Those are the bottom of the barrel systems. Get one from either or from your local computer store.

No matter which prebuilt system you decide on, you will be getting ripped off. You can buy the parts and build your own system for much less, and you will know exactly how much quality you have.
I want a HP M9000T Myself but i was 2 weeks late on the coupon code.Did Anyone here pick one up?anyone got one they bought still sealed wanting to sell?wheres the best place to get a HP? EBAY>????
Never Ebay! Buying a computer from ebay is like going to the local flee market. Who knows if that seller will be around for any problems down the road.

Best bet for HP is to go to Fry's electronics or Best Buy.
Around where I live, HP's can be bought at a future shop or best buy, thats your best bet

as far as dell goes, just don't

i've had so many friends that have had bad experiences with that company.
I just looked at that HP M9000T. Not a very good deal if you ask me. I custom built one on HP's website. The best choice for a video card was a 8600GT. That's a very weak video card.

2 gigs of 667 ram. Thats way to slow.

Q6600 Thats a good CPU.

The rest was just the basic parts. Total $1100. For that kind of money you could build a screaming system. With a 8800gt video card, 2 gigs of 800mhz ram and many more upgrades.
I am thinking about getting a Dell computer and I would like to know what experiences people have had with them. What things you liked about them what things you didn't like about them.

Custom first, but if not, Dell would be my choice. Not for gamer, but for a office worker/ect.

Dell's are rather non upgradeable, and they come in... weak. PSUs on the brink, BTX, ect.
Dell's are rather non upgradeable, and they come in... weak. PSUs on the brink, BTX, ect.

yeah the dell motherboards (even though its made by foxconn) are so weird.
Just a very simple board with PCI slots, not even AGP or PCI-E, and the way their struture of the computer is, just weird, the hard drives are placed upside down !! WTF ? ! :eek:
and oh check out my thread HERE

dell had it's time, but now i don't know what is happening to them, better with HP :)
i am on my second Dell laptop. the first, a dell insparon 8200, lasted me 3.5 years before someone broke in and skyped it from my bedroom >_<. the second, look at my signiture, as far as the systems go, i love them. slightly big and bulky, but thats ok for me. i use them as desktop replacements. only move them ocasionally. i will admit that there customer support is a BIG hit or miss, and the xps came with a few minor options missing/wrong. nothing that was too big of a deal, but it was for sure not fun. i know that laptops can be home builds but i just wasnt comfy with that. i have built 3 of my own systems and 3 more for other people. so if it comes to a desktop for my next comp. then i will for sure build my own again. and not go for dell, or any other.
on this one i would say you should build your own, the dell laptop that i have i bought used and its older but its everything that i need right now, i just wanted a little portability, and its great for that, as everybody else here has said i know a lot of dell horror stories, nobody that buys new dells likes them from everything i have heard, i really think that you would be better off building your own, it really is complete luck of the draw with dell and personally i would like to know the exact things that are going into my atleast $500 machine (not sure of you budget so i threw a random number)
I repair Dells all the time for the exact same reasons I repair HP's, Compaq's, and all the other pre-built systems. Stuff just breaks, it happens. There is not a black cloud hanging over Dell that makes their systems simply break for no reason after x amount of time, Dell does not ship it's systems with cracked screens, they do not sell systems knowing/hoping they will break and cause frustration for the end-user... A big reason so many people hate Dell is becaue so many other people hate Dell. Lemmings, folks...lemmings...

Dell buys in bulk, yes. In fact, so does everyone else, so I hardly find that a valid argument. As for quality of parts, with the standards/controls technology in today's market, you have to seriously try to screw up parts en masse, and the odds of doing so and shipping thousands of faulty parts to a supplier is incredibly marginal. The occasional faulty part will slip through, yes, but that's always been, and always will be, a statistical fact.

People have one bad experience with Dell, then take a flying leap on the 'I hate Dell' bandwagon so they can be with everyone else. Have you ever heard Dane Cook's 'Car Accident' skit? It fits...

Anyway...a self-built unit is best, but not everyone has the skill/time/patiences to troubleshoot through a faulty part (OMG, Dell's not the only company that gets faulty parts!?:eek:) in order to do so. Dell/HP/whatever, it doesn't matter; buy what fits your budget, buy what has the software you need; in short, buy what YOU like, not what others tell you you like.

Don't be a lemming.
Hey i don't use a dell computer but i know they are good , my fiend have one...and its running perfectly...
The last Dell I bought 2 years ago during start up initial startup that is 1st time power button was pushed I had a total of 6 blue screens of death during the windows xp and dell startup crap that you have to go through on every single home dell pc. But after I got through that and reinstalled the disks that were sent to me by the phone tech guy that day It ran really well for the rest of the time I had it except for my dvd cdr drive went out but they swung by and done an in home swap out. I give them a 7 out of 10 as far as company's like this go because their warranty is pretty nice. And you will need the warranty. Nothing is better than piecing your own together with a clean install OS without all that extra dell crap software you don't need.
i like how imsati put it, everybody does jump on the band wagon to hate dell, i have had 2 close friends that have had problems with their dells and the support sucked for them, that is why i said that, i have no problems with my dell (fingers crossed) but everybody has to make their own choice.
yeah the dell motherboards (even though its made by foxconn) are so weird.
Just a very simple board with PCI slots, not even AGP or PCI-E, and the way their struture of the computer is, just weird, the hard drives are placed upside down !! WTF ? ! :eek:
and oh check out my thread HERE

dell had it's time, but now i don't know what is happening to them, better with HP :)

Either BTX is cheaper or they're trying to make us upgrade to a brand new system when the system gets too slow...

Heard on the Chinese Newspaper that Dell's losing money. I wonder why :D