Do you need antivirus on a smartphone?


Staff member
What do you mean running out of updates? Is it more then 2 years old? You only get android updates for usually 2 years. It's best not too install antivirus on a phone as it will just eat up more resources that may not be available depending on what phone you have.


Staff member
I've never once installed AV on any phone and have never once gotten a virus. Also, I still regularly use a phone that is 4+ years old with zero issues. Just because Samsung won't apply updates for older hardware doesn't make them obsolete.
Yes! It goes without saying that any computerised device that has access to the Internet need an antimalware-software installed..

And regarding smartphones is clear to everyone that an antimalware program is needed in smartphones.. Especially if you read this from Kaspersky:

There you will notise that there are: Banking Malware, Mobile Ransomware, Mobile Spyware, MMS Malware, SMS Trojans and mobile adware.. So YES! an antivirus program is NEEDED even in your smartphone!

I prefer to user the Intercept X for Mobile from sophos:
And if your phone no longer receives any security updates I strongly advice the use of similar software that might identify any exploits of any unpatched vulnerabilities.. everything else would be risky...


Staff member So you know that a high percentage of Iphone users won't have antivirus/malware program on their phone.

Android phones are more susceptible to malware but if you know what you are doing then you don't need it. And unless you got one of the newer phones with higher ram, good processor then you will have performance issues when adding an antivirus program. Some phones are having issues just running the preinstalled app.

It's just like a computer, you have to know what the hell you are doing. I've had many different phones and have never installed an antivirus and never been infected. I access banking and credit cards on my phone too.