Docked Hard Drive- Can't Open? Important

I have a 200gig hard drive in a docking station and I tried to open it to get very important photos of for a client, but its inaccessible, cant get it to open when I click it.

So I fired in my ubuntu disk to boot it up, all is well - I can open up the hard drive no problem.

But when I try to drag the photos over to my hard drive, it comes up saying:

Error while copying "IMG_0849.jpg".
There was an error copying the file into /media/disk-1/Documents and Settings/Charlie/Desktop/pix//1.
Error reading from file: Input/output error

Can anyone help me? I really need this photos for a job I am doing.


Staff member
Take the drive out of the dock and just use a sata cable/ide cable depending on the drive. You need to find if the dock is bad or the drive is going bad.