DOS help

I know if I run
chkdsk c:

It will check the disk and display any errers.

And if it finds any errers I run
chkdsk c: /F

And it will take any Data in Bad sectores and put it in good sectores and Marck the Bad sectores so it never uses them again.

But what does
chkdsk c: /R

Do /R is for recovery so is it just going to take Data and put it in a Good sectore this is just like /F right?
Or what am I not getting?


Master of Turning Things Off and Back On Again
Staff member
This should help.


/f : Fixes errors on the disk. The disk must be locked. If chkdsk cannot lock the drive, a message appears that asks you if you want to check the drive the next time you restart the computer.

/v : Displays the name of each file in every directory as the disk is checked.

/r : Locates bad sectors and recovers readable information. The disk must be locked.

/x : Use with NTFS only. Forces the volume to dismount first, if necessary. All open handles to the drive are invalidated. /x also includes the functionality of /f.

/i : Use with NTFS only. Performs a less vigorous check of index entries, reducing the amount of time needed to run chkdsk.

/c : Use with NTFS only. Skips the checking of cycles within the folder structure, reducing the amount of time needed to run chkdsk.

/l[:size] : Use with NTFS only. Changes the log file size to the size you type. If you omit the size parameter, /l displays the current size.

/?: Displays help at the command prompt.
thanks but

OK so /F is fix and /R is repair.

What is /R doing how is it repairing I ment is it just moving data from bad sectors to good sectors?


Staff member
You can also do chkdsk /r /f, which will do both fix errors and recover data in bad sectors.