download CSS / not reading disc


New Member
ok i have the pc in my sig and ever since its brand new and i first got it the dvd drive in this thing doesnt pick up game disc's for example it never would pick up my WOW disc's i had to download wow manually.. i just went out and rebought css it wont pick up the disc is their anywhere or anyway i can donwload or install css without using the disc's i have the cd key thats inside the box but when i created a acount with steam and went to activate my css i entered the key and it asked me to insert the disc but my computer wont read it i duno what to do
If I read this correctly, your drive doesnt read discs?

Is the drive plugged in to the mother board and power supply.

Sorry, dont want to make you look stupid, but mistakes happen. :D
it is a laptop its a dvd drive it picks up dvd's and blank cd'r's and stuff but for some reason wont read my WOW disc's or the css disc's i just went and bought
when i bought it i bought it off the display shelf i didnt get no cd's or nothin with it just had all the preinstalled stuff on it. so was just the laptop , case, and charger, and papar work is all i brought home lol.. what should i look for to download ?

my cd drive i have on this laptop is a dvd-ram but that should still pick up cd-rom's correct?
Optical drives don't have ROM that can store the drivers, thus it couldn't have had the drivers preinstalled. Whats the brand and make of the drive?

Dvd-drives can play cd-roms, absolutely.
when i right click on my hardrive go to property's it shows 2 cd drives but i only have 1 but this is the names of what i got

1- matshita dvd-ram UJ-850S
2- AXV cd/dvd-rom scsi cdrom device < that might be my virtual drive from alcohol 120% i think
when i insert the css disc i get the lil blinking cd next to my cursor for a few secs then it goes away and nothing happens... same thing with my wow disc's
The solution i am posting works perfectly for Acer laptops wiht Matshita UJ-850s. I have not tested it on Toshiba yet.

Method 1: Remove the registry entry

WARNING: Serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly by using Registry Editor or by using another method.

These problems might require that you reinstall your operating system. Microsoft cannot guarantee that these problems can be solved. Modify the registry at your own risk. Note If you had installed multiple CD-writing software products on your computer, you need to uninstall the software products before you remove the registry keys.

1. Click Start, and then click Run.
2. In the Open box, type regedit, and then click OK.
3. Locate and then click the following registry subkey:
4. On the File menu, click Export.
5. In the File name box, type savedkey, and then click Save.
6. Click the REG_MULTI_SZ data type UpperFilters, and then click Delete on
the Edit menu. When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.

Note If this data type is missing, go to Method 2.
7. Click the REG_MULTI_SZ data type LowerFilters, and then click Delete on
the Edit menu. When you are prompted to confirm the deletion, click Yes.
8. Quit Registry Editor, and then restart the computer.

Let us know if it does work for Toshiba too.

i did this but not sure if i did it correct i deleted the upper first.. restarted the pc still wouldnt read the disc.. did the lower restarted the pc still wont read disc.. i unistalled the drive then restarted and the os reinstalled it still not reading the disc.. anyone else have a solution i cant really replace the drive in the notebook as its built in and goes with the notebooks case yano

is their no way to get css other then having to use these disc's trying to activate it through steam it keeps asking me to insert the disc but i cannot do that as my notebook wont read it

also in my device manager it shows no problem with driver or anything
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i just dont get it blank cd's work fine i burn music cd's all the time.. play dvd's and what not but wow disc's or css and couple other disc's i have it wont pick up theirs gotta be a solution somewhere