dvd burning software


New Member
I have about 25 store bought dvds all with music videos on them. I need to take certain songs off of each dvd and put them onto 1 or 2 dvds. Can anybody help me out with this. What program would I need? Any help would be awesome. thanks


New Member
You're probably not getting any responses since it would involve breaking the copyright protection of the original dvds. Unfortunately some of the legislation in place does not cater for getting rid of the dross and making media a more enjoyable experience; one of the reasons people circumvent it.


Hypothetically, if one were in Canada, he or she could download SuperOS*, install it on a separate hard drive in his or her tower and then go to Synaptic and make Repositories => Choose Server point to uwaterloo or ucalgary then (after getting rid of Brasero on the command line with < sudo apt-get purge brasero > first) install K3B and K9Copy. To do this, I'd recommend going to https://help.ubuntu.com, and searching on "medibuntu" and said packages. Theoretically, of course!

* Info only -- http://beginlinux.com/desktop_training/ubuntu/superos-like-ubuntu-but-easier -- if purchasing, I'd go to OSdisc.com.