dvd burning


What is the exact brand and type of DVD Media you are trying to record on? is it DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RW, DVD+RW, or does it say DVD RAM?

Do you maybe have INCD installed from NERO? That will definately have to go!!! Big No-No

Try uninstalling Nero - Make sure you download and run the General clean tool from Nero http://ww2.nero.com/enu/General_Clean_Tool.html
that will make sure you get rid of everything. Then go ahead and Install only package one from Nero. Then try burning a DVD if that works then you can continue installing the other packages from Nero, but DO NOT instll packge 3 ever!

If that still don't work you could try burning with DVD Decrypter just narrow down if the problem is with NERO or not? Or try also Alcohol 120 ... at least just to find out where the problem is coming from your hardware or your software!

One other thing get some RW DVD's until you get this ironed out that way you won't be throwing money down the drain. Unless of course you just have to much then you could throw some my way LOL


VIP Member
Sapphire said:
I have nero installed and cannot burn dvds is ther some setting i have to make Can someone help please

what exactly are you burning? a data disc? or a DVD movie?