Hi, once more trying to get a reasonable answer to this coding issue.
I'm a noobie with questions. I want to access a database table "payfile" and, based on the sum of
some of these fields, insert records into a database table "payhist". I realize now that I was in error
by trying to update and must insert records, with conditions, to a running history file. A lot of
research has gone into this and I thank so much for your patience and help. I'm lost from line 15-20.
echo "<center>";echo date('m/d/y');echo "<br />";
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$dbname = "prerentdb";
// Create connection
$mysqli = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
// Check connection
if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . $mysqli->connect_error;
$amtpaid = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'amtpaid'); // line 15
$sql = "SELECT * FROM payfile WHERE amtpaid=?"; // FROM payfile where amtpaid!=' '";
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql);
// $stmt->bind_param($id);
$payfile = $stmt->get_result()->fetch_all(); // line 20
while($obj = fetch_object()){
$due = $obj->prevbal + $obj->latechg + $obj->secdep + $obj->damage + $obj->courtcost + $obj->NSF;
$amtdue = $obj->amtdue + due;
// if no payment or partial payment, add $10 to latechg field and amount not paid to prevbal field
$latechg = 0;
$prevbal = 0;
if ($obj->amtpaid < $obj->amtdue) {
$latechg += 10;
$prevbal = $obj->amtdue - $obj->amtpaid;
// if over-payment subtract over-payment
// from prevbal field
if ($amtpaid > $amtdue ) {
$amtdue = $amtpaid - $amtdue;
// $nsf doesn't get used or saved
$secdep = $damage = $courtcost = $nsf = 0;
// refresh every record - give every record the below values
$amtpaid = '0.00';
$hudpay = '0.00';
$datepaid = ' ';
$comment = ' ';
$paidsum = '0.00';
// prepare and bind
$stmt = $mysqli -> prepare("INSERT INTO payhist
(tenant, unit, amtpaid, amtdue, prevbal,latechg, secdep, damage, courtcost, nsf, paidsum, hudpay,
datepaid, comment, phone, cell)
(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
$stmt -> bind_param("ssiiiiiiiiiissss",'$tenant','$unit','$amtpaid','$amtdue','$prevbal','$latechg',
'$secdep','$damage','$courtcost', '$nsf','$paidsum','$hudpay','$datepaid','$comment','$phone','$cell');
// set parameters and execute
$amtdue='amtdue'; // decimal field, not null
$amtpaid='amtpaid'; // decimal field, not null
$prevbal="prevbal"; // decimal field, not null
$latechg='latechg'; // decimal field, not null
$secdep='secdep'; // decimal field, not null
$damage='damage'; // decimal field, not null
$courtcost='courtcost'; // decimal field, not null
$nsf='nsf'; // decimal field, not null
$paidsum='paidsum'; // decimal field, not null
$hudpay='hudpay'; // decimal field, not null
$stmt -> execute();
echo "New records created successfully";
$stmt -> close();
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function fetch_all() on bool on line 20
I'm a noobie with questions. I want to access a database table "payfile" and, based on the sum of
some of these fields, insert records into a database table "payhist". I realize now that I was in error
by trying to update and must insert records, with conditions, to a running history file. A lot of
research has gone into this and I thank so much for your patience and help. I'm lost from line 15-20.
echo "<center>";echo date('m/d/y');echo "<br />";
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$dbname = "prerentdb";
// Create connection
$mysqli = new mysqli($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
// Check connection
if ($mysqli->connect_errno) {
echo "Failed to connect to MySQL: " . $mysqli->connect_error;
$amtpaid = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'amtpaid'); // line 15
$sql = "SELECT * FROM payfile WHERE amtpaid=?"; // FROM payfile where amtpaid!=' '";
$stmt = $mysqli->prepare($sql);
// $stmt->bind_param($id);
$payfile = $stmt->get_result()->fetch_all(); // line 20
while($obj = fetch_object()){
$due = $obj->prevbal + $obj->latechg + $obj->secdep + $obj->damage + $obj->courtcost + $obj->NSF;
$amtdue = $obj->amtdue + due;
// if no payment or partial payment, add $10 to latechg field and amount not paid to prevbal field
$latechg = 0;
$prevbal = 0;
if ($obj->amtpaid < $obj->amtdue) {
$latechg += 10;
$prevbal = $obj->amtdue - $obj->amtpaid;
// if over-payment subtract over-payment
// from prevbal field
if ($amtpaid > $amtdue ) {
$amtdue = $amtpaid - $amtdue;
// $nsf doesn't get used or saved
$secdep = $damage = $courtcost = $nsf = 0;
// refresh every record - give every record the below values
$amtpaid = '0.00';
$hudpay = '0.00';
$datepaid = ' ';
$comment = ' ';
$paidsum = '0.00';
// prepare and bind
$stmt = $mysqli -> prepare("INSERT INTO payhist
(tenant, unit, amtpaid, amtdue, prevbal,latechg, secdep, damage, courtcost, nsf, paidsum, hudpay,
datepaid, comment, phone, cell)
(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
$stmt -> bind_param("ssiiiiiiiiiissss",'$tenant','$unit','$amtpaid','$amtdue','$prevbal','$latechg',
'$secdep','$damage','$courtcost', '$nsf','$paidsum','$hudpay','$datepaid','$comment','$phone','$cell');
// set parameters and execute
$amtdue='amtdue'; // decimal field, not null
$amtpaid='amtpaid'; // decimal field, not null
$prevbal="prevbal"; // decimal field, not null
$latechg='latechg'; // decimal field, not null
$secdep='secdep'; // decimal field, not null
$damage='damage'; // decimal field, not null
$courtcost='courtcost'; // decimal field, not null
$nsf='nsf'; // decimal field, not null
$paidsum='paidsum'; // decimal field, not null
$hudpay='hudpay'; // decimal field, not null
$stmt -> execute();
echo "New records created successfully";
$stmt -> close();
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function fetch_all() on bool on line 20