Extended screen crashing


New Member
Hello, for many years on my previous Asus laptop I used two separate screens, one extended with an HDMI cable directly to the Asus laptop (lid is kept closed) and the second screen extended via a separately powered Asus hub also using an HDMI cable. I recently upgraded to another Asus laptop and have the same setup. However, the second screen keeps crashing (and all the right hand screen icons jump to the left screen) and I have to keep unplugging the hub, power to the hub, power to the screen and HDMI cable. This usually (after a number of tries) works. Not an ideal situation. I have tried an HDMI to USB adapter directly to the laptop, as I thought the hub may be faulty, no difference.. I tried a different screen, also no difference. Tried swapping the screens around, also no difference. I am suspecting that the graphics card on the latest Asus may not be adequate? Any suggestions for a fix would be greatly appreciated.