Yes , I still have that shit PC . But now it's 10x more slower than before . Now it can't open anything properly without making me re-boot it 1000000 times.....
Seriously I need some help here...
That's a pretty old system it might be failing on RAM or HDD. With 2 GB it's going to automatically be slow in most things out of the box, it's almost 10 years old now.

Burn this to a CD, boot from it and run Memtest86+ for a pass and Seatools for DOS, choosing the extended test.


You could alternatively take it to a shop, but it'd be a better play to use the same money from diagnostics/repair on just buying a new computer.
I just looked up your PC. It says that it have a Core 2 Dup CPU and 2GB RAM. I have a PC I builtt with an older Core 2 Duo and the same amount of RAM and it works perfectly, with windows 7. Don't try to install windows 10 because it doesn't have the drivers
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I honestly do not know why you people deal with clowns like this OP. he is "too lazy" to list his specs?? FFS don't feed this, or any other, troll.
I just looked up your PC. It says that it have a Core 2 Dup CPU and 2GB RAM. I have a PC I builtt with an older Core 2 Duo and the same amount of RAM and it works perfectly, with windows 7. Don't try to install windows 10 because it doesn't have the drivers
Well mine cant even open chrome without dying
That is a problem. Try to reinstall windows, Windows 7. If that doesn´t solve the problem then is a hardware issue.
I have a Windows 10 Upgrading file on my USB , but my PC can't handle Windows 10 very well :( . Nor can I run certain applications on Windows 10.
Guys, I have a similar situation. I've got an Epson Apex 286/12. I keep pressing the turbo button but it's just not giving it the juice!