Fast PC Out there [$$ don't matter]

man...... aint no body gonna do blu-ray now... each disc is expensive as hell..... be cheaper if you go buy the dame movie ur self
you'd only be wasting money on the x6800,i have it and trust me,its not all that worth it,amazing overclocker but too expensive...stick to the e63,e64 and e66 because they are a hella alot cheaper and can overclock very very well.

oh my jesus christ of all lords and gods imaginable of all the earth wind sun and fire in the universe to the next universe and beyond, do not ever post a link like that again with a link to someone like that i actually cracked my tft reading it and getting angry that i couldnt just find his house and beat the living s*** out of him with both them cards then sit him in a room with a whiteboard and 2 pcs and 10 of the same cards and compare the games alongside each other while continuing to slap him with a rubber glove and a few more 3d cards. i need a new TFT :(
that kid must have seriously hit his head on sumthing hard when he was little..........
even my idiotic dog knows that
rof...rof [ti4800 better than 5200] rof...rof thats all i can say.... rootin for you this year in the spec olympics