Fastest Windows version


New Member
WHich is fastest between Windows: MCE, XP Pro, XP Home?
My computer is a Sony PCV-RZ56G Media Center Edition 2004 and I don't like it of all the bundled software that I don't need.
The bundled software has to do with Sony, not the OS itself.

I've used all three, and i have to say that there isnt much (if any) noticable difference in speed between them.
im pretty sure they all are the same speed, it just depends on your hardware, i think. someone correct me if im wrong.
I think the only OSs you can tell the diffrence in speed is Windows95 or something like that to XP.

You can tell a big diffrence between old OSs compared to new.

So, You really can't tell diffrences between newer OSs.
It is all about the hardware. Now if you have a lot "useless" programs slowing things down for you; just delete them.
It is all about the hardware.
for a large part it is, but not entirely. Code optimisation is a big step in software development especially with big datasets and databases
i have used all 3 and MCE is slower on my computer (it uses more resources)
no it doesnt; MCE is just XP with one extra application and a few more developement bits and bobs. Just dont run the MCE interface and its basically just xp pro
how come it is cheaper then XP Pro then?
well to be honest its kinda in the middle, it has extra networking features than home, but not as much a pro. Given the type of features we are talking about here its probably closer to pro than home for most users.
well how come right after a clean install of Pro and Home my PF usage is around 90mb... after installing MCE, my pf usage is around 130mb... and when i look right after a clean install of MCE at teh process running, it has the same process running as either xp home or pro, xcept that it has like 5 more (all of which start with "eh") like "ehome" (MCE application is always running for some reason and a bunch of MC related applications)

i tried all of them MCE is the slowest
xp pro and home go pretty fast(without a bunch of crap) i dont see any difference between home and pro besides recent documents in start menu. mce is for the faster machines i think it runs the best with a 2 ghz processor and 512 mb of ram.
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