Final checks


Like I said, I can not say for sure that the super key will work, but I have seen nothing to say that it does not.


Ok. And for a person like my self, is getting to programs for over clocking ect. Easy? I still don't know about windows 8. Meant to be good with touch screens and that's it.


Depends on what you are overclocking.

CPU, RAM, and Northbridge: Overclocking is done in BIOS. Tools you need in the OS is a temp probe, something on the lines of Realtemp, a stability tester, prime 95 and Intel Burn Test does well at both.

GPU: There are several, but Trixx and the Gigabyte utilities are slightly better than the competition. For stability testing, I use Haven benchmark on a 30 pass loop. 3d mark 11 will also do a decent job of testing. You still need a temp probe, 100% of OC utilities will have one for this.


Windows 8 is the current OS. Using anything (windows that is) else at this point is retarded. It would be no better than using XP after Vista and 7 had released.

It is a fully functional windows operating system. It will do everything 7 does, and it will do it faster and more stably.


Metro is a window manager. if you don't like metro, then there are multiple programs like start8 out there that will make it look like windows 7.
That said, Metro is perfectly usable with a mouse and keyboard. It is no worse than Unity (ubuntu 11+) or OSx.


Yes. You can use a program to make it use a windows 7 like window manager. It will not be Aero, but it will be darn close.


nope. There can be an occasional issue, but that is a fact of using computers. Issues are few and far between 99% of the time.


Check the dates on those saying it. I had no issue with steam, and only slight glitches in games when I tried the alpha. The beta gave my sister not one issue with steam or the games she plays.


not anymore I don't. The beta is over, and I use linux as my main system. But I have used it in the past and it was decent enough. Nothing to write home about.