Final Decsion - Which One?

Like a communist in America? Jesus H Christ!

Just when I thought this thread couldn't get any more retarded, someone please lock it before ignorance starts a flame war. Well there is already a flame war in process

and who cares if he is wrong, intel, I have seen you post things that are also wrong. Who gives a flying crap? I normally charge for my time, starting at $50.00/hour so any advice I give on here is free. Yes that is right I do consulting and contracting on the side and have many side clients from home users to small and even a few larger businesses. mainly because no one knows crap about mac and I have to go in and deploy mac stuff in a windows environment sometimes. Its cheaper for larger companies to contract me out once than to hire someone who knows how to use google.

So, what he was wrong, you are wrong I am wrong everyone is wrong. He actually had a few valid points. Maybe he got all butt hurt because you proved him wrong. So drop it, quit egging him on, it makes both of you look like little retards trying to figure out how to fu*k a foot ball.

Nice one mate, a little sense was all that's needed.;)
Like a communist in America? Jesus H Christ!

Just when I thought this thread couldn't get any more retarded, someone please lock it before ignorance starts a flame war. Well there is already a flame war in process

and who cares if he is wrong, intel, I have seen you post things that are also wrong. Who gives a flying crap? I normally charge for my time, starting at $50.00/hour so any advice I give on here is free. Yes that is right I do consulting and contracting on the side and have many side clients from home users to small and even a few larger businesses. mainly because no one knows crap about mac and I have to go in and deploy mac stuff in a windows environment sometimes. Its cheaper for larger companies to contract me out once than to hire someone who knows how to use google.

So, what he was wrong, you are wrong I am wrong everyone is wrong. He actually had a few valid points. Maybe he got all butt hurt because you proved him wrong. So drop it, quit egging him on, it makes both of you look like little retards trying to figure out how to fu*k a foot ball.

You are definitely not a gamer. If ppl would accept facts and Google from time to time, I would be lengthening this out. Does my point need clarification?
Wrong, I am a gamer. I own a PC, xbox 360, and a Nintendo Wii. The problem is that hardware is way beyond the limitations of what software can do. The only exception in the entire history of gaming is Oblivion elder scrolls iV (or whatever the newest one was, 4 or whatever) they actually developed the game for hardware that wasn't released yet.

My main point was there is a lot of wrong information going around on this forum and its mainly due to ignorance. You can't always trust tech articles or even google. I have seen so many so called professional tech writers who don't even know what they are talking about or they tend to bend the truth to sell the product. Or they are so elitist and evangelistic about their cause whether it be windows, mac or linux that they lose sight of factual information. Gamers also fall into this category in my personal opinion. They are elitists and tend to just read off hardware specs and compare benchmarks left and right not actually research anything themselves. I can't tell you how inconsistent bench marks can be, and how they also don't always reflect real world experience.

I am wrong, and I don't know everything but I also don't try to start a fight over something ridiculous as this. This reminds me of that famous pic from Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics, even if you win you are still retarded.

Also, do the pepsi challenge play on two seperate gaming rigs with identical hardware except video cards. Play the same game on both systems, try to gauge it by 20fps difference. The low end machine build it so it runs at about 55 to 65 fps in your average game, and then the higher end build make i run 75+fps and see if you can even tell the difference. I never could. My point is, beyond like 50 fps there is really no real world gain because the human brain cannot perceive the difference. In fact the average person can't see faster than 20fps, but it does make a difference in games when your machine is rendering everything in real time, plus other factors.

I used to work for a retail chain computer store and we did custom build computers for gamers as part of our service and I was one of the lead techs. I built three seperate systems all the same exact hardware (mobo, proc, ram, HDs, etc) except one had entry level video card the next one had mid range and the third one had high end. I was a demo so you could compare hands on. There was a difference between the low and the high, but the high and the mid grade not so much. Instead of linking a bunch of fluff articles and benchmarks that promote a product or just list clock speeds and core speeds and blah blah blah, we actually set systems up side by side by side. this was probably back in like 2003ish or whenever the 6800s first came out because I think we used those to display, but I can't remember exactly because its a long time and i haven't worked there for years now. Anyways, my point being benchmarks are not an end all be all bottom line fact of performance.
I agree with some of intelcrazy's points but not his attitude..

Arguing on the internet is like running in the special olympics, even if you win you are still retarded.

I couldn't have said it better meself. :D
Right, after sifting through a whole load of crap, I think I got 3 helpful posts... :cool:

So, really the question is, 7950GT, or an 8800 320 and a PSU that can run it, but I don't want to fork out a load, prefebly around £30 or £40...any help?

Can we stop arguing also, you know how stupid it is to argue over the internet!

At the end of the day i would go for the 7950, because even you said you had no real hopes of getting Vista and due to the fact that i don't rate the 8600's one bit.

As with the PSU issue, i would get that Thermalake one if you want, i've had 2 PSU's from them and they've both been perfectly fine.

No, I don't plan on getting Vista, you're right there, but the 8800 is still a good card, even in DX9, right?
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Right, after sifting through a whole load of crap, I think I got 3 helpful posts... :cool:

So, really the question is, 7950GT, or an 8800 320 and a PSU that can run it, but I don't want to fork out a load, prefebly around £30 or £40...any help?

Can we stop arguing also, you know how stupid it is to argue over the internet!

No, I don't plan on getting Vista, you're right there, but the 8800 is still a good card, even in DX9, right?

The 8800gts in DX9 is overkill i think.. If you truly have no intentions of Vista then a 7950gt is just fine
But an 8800 could play most of the new DX10 games in DX9, with good settings, or could the 7950 do that too, mainly looking at Crysis :p
The 8800gts in DX9 is overkill i think.. If you truly have no intentions of Vista then a 7950gt is just fine

The 7950 should be able to play crysis with very good settings in DX9.

Yup, 7950 will do just fine if you don't like Vista,
and people for forums sake, we are talking about video cards here, not if you are a gamer or not...
If you don't like flame war, then you should stop first
Well the developers say a card like mine could play crysis medium maybe even med-high.. So a 7950 gt should do just fine. I know it isn't conclusive but I believe it can be trusted.

Well i guess you can look at it this way.. If you want to play every DX9 game to come absolutely maxed out, spend the extra monies. If you can deal with dialing the settings down a tad in the future get the 7950.

And hey I wouldn't be surprised if you never needed to lower the settings with a 7950.. The future is blurry, ask me in a couple months. :D
I know, I doubt I'll be able to get my hands on a copy :(

So, I'm hoping the 7950GT can play Crysis on great settings in DX9 *fingers crossed* :)