firefox help

I have firefox and downloadhelper

I can download Video Trailer to say MPEG 2 with the downloadhelper plug in

But if I pick MP3 it says you need a registered verson to do this.

How do I register or get a regisitered veron

I just saw download videohelper not Register


New Member
Has firefox prompted you for a newer version of firefox. Maybe only the newest version of firefox will support MPEG3. Also what codecs do you have? Maybe you can't run MPEG3 because you don't have any codecs for it.

Try updating firefox or check to see if there is an update for that plug-in. Never heard of having to register a plugin :confused:
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thanks but

My firefox just did an update and this is what is going on.

Wen I am watching a video on youtube I can download it with videohelper plug in it is a little Bell in the left hand side of the video screen.

And wen you click it a dropdown list comes down asking me what I want to do.
I pick Download and Convert and a window opens asking me what do I want to convert to and I pick pmeg 2. NTSC and it works.

But if I pick convert to MP3 audio from the list a window opens telling me
You Must Have A Registered Verson Of The Program To Use This Function.

Now wen I did download Downloadhelper Plug In for firefox from there web site it did not ask me to register for it.

Please help


New Member
As far as I know MP3 is an audio format while MPEG2 is for video format. Keep using MPEG2 if it's the one that works.

Why do you want to use the MP3 format?