FireFox of IE7?

What is better?

  • Firefox

    Votes: 39 78.0%
  • Internet Explorer 7

    Votes: 7 14.0%
  • Dont really care...

    Votes: 4 8.0%

  • Total voters


New Member
So anyways, before IE7 came out I knew that firefox was better than IE. But I dono. What are your opinions?
I actually preffered FF when because it had the tabbed browsing but when IE7 came it out, it had the TAB's because they worked with Mozilla. I think that IE7 looks a lot better so that's what I'm using.
I dont care really

I dont mind what i use, i have deployed firefox and IE7 accross my network for everyone to choose from, as a internet browser is a internet browser, they all do the same thing, you judge the internet on the web sites you browse not on the web broswer you browse with, firefox and IE7 have exactly the same features, and are both as secure as eachother.

I do support firefox for the fact that they are opensource and that they have browser that is equivalent to IE7 which is made by one of the biggest companies int he world

"Our program not only gets rid of spyware, but the source of the spyware as well." Isn't that the truth or what! Firefox all the way. IE7 is only good because it took MS over two years to get around to doing what Firefox did when it was first released...
FF. IE7 STILL doesnt work on my computer correctly... and it just sucks still. Not as many add ons, etc.
i like firefox because of all the extentions and extra themes you can get. i use ie occasionally for the odd website that doesnt work with firefox.
Microsoft technical support was advising customers to reinstall Windows to regain Internet access and to disable automatic updates.

Symantec Antivirus Research reported that virus sightings were down by 95% this morning.

Thats funny as hell anyways firefox all the way IE7 just doesn't cut it yet.
It is an alternative to Internet Explorer. A web browser which a lot of people use and find to be more secure and 'faster.' Download it for free and give it a shot. It is also highly customizable and is 'open source.' sort of, allowing people to configure and manipulate it however they want.