firefox probelms and more plz help!!!!!!!!


New Member
ok so firefox for some reason is becoming retarded... by this i mean its like slowing down and pausing.... however i do not have this issue with internet explorer. this is what happens....i log on to firefox ( takes like 15sec to load) then when i load up a website the loading circle like pauses for like 6 seconds then continues to load after the pause..... i tried redownloading it still nothing so i went to this website and it said to do the whole editconfig thing that u type in the firefox search engine.... anyway i did all of that but it didnt work so it is still slow..... any ideas? my second problem is downloading flash player. since i havent been able to surf the web fast with firefox i have been using internet explorer which is just as fast as firefox used to be. well i want to see some videos on youtube but it wont let me because i need flashplayer. i go to download it at the sight and click on the agree and install button but when it takes me to the next page it freezes then i have to do the whole "the prgram is not responding would you like to end now?" and it keeps doin that everytime i try to download it..... does anyone have any solutions for any of these preoblems

ok so firefox for some reason is becoming retarded... by this i mean its like slowing down and pausing.... however i do not have this issue with internet explorer. this is what happens....i log on to firefox ( takes like 15sec to load) then when i load up a website the loading circle like pauses for like 6 seconds then continues to load after the pause..... i tried redownloading it still nothing so i went to this website and it said to do the whole editconfig thing that u type in the firefox search engine.... anyway i did all of that but it didnt work so it is still slow..... any ideas? my second problem is downloading flash player. since i havent been able to surf the web fast with firefox i have been using internet explorer which is just as fast as firefox used to be. well i want to see some videos on youtube but it wont let me because i need flashplayer. i go to download it at the sight and click on the agree and install button but when it takes me to the next page it freezes then i have to do the whole "the prgram is not responding would you like to end now?" and it keeps doin that everytime i try to download it..... does anyone have any solutions for any of these preoblems


Welcome To The Forum! I suggest a virus scan. This could be the reason, Many people have this problem due to a virus. I suggest Avast Anti-Virus and Super Anti-Spyware! Also if this is not the problem, Have u tried restarting your pc? What is your computer? Linux, Xp, Vista? If it is Linux then I have no clue! If it is Xp, It might be a virus, If it is Vista, it could be anything! 1 more thing, What you can try is checking for system updates or checking for Firefox updates. Oh yeah and for future reference, In the thread title, Saying " plz help!!!!!!!!!! " Is not going to help any, It will make you sound like a nub. Also another thing, Check your spelling. I could not really understand you.
^ In addition, and I wholly agree with what you are saying FFCFoo, if you are tired of firefox I recommend Google Chrome. I prefer it over firefox.
Yes and what's more, I was born at Madigan Hospital since my father was stationed at Fort Lewis not too far from Tacoma haha.