firewall- which one is the best?


New Member
which firewall from the freeware ones seems to be the best for you? Is it true that anything is better than the one form windows XP (with SP2)
Definitely Sygate Personal Firewall

Zonealarm is really good. However for advanced settings even in the free version, the Sygate is my personal choice. It allowed me to successfully hook up and setup a shared connection with, unlike zonealarm which was blocking (without the option to change the settings), certain features such as file sharing, printer sharing and other stuff. SYGATE IS MY CHOICE. I have also heard that Kerio Personal Firewall is very good as well.

I prefer firewall solutions from KERIO. It depends on your needs which one to use: KERIO Personal firewall or KERIO Network firewall.

Actually, I tested KERIO Personal Firewall and I was satisfied(It is hard to achieve to me ;o) - so it means that this soft is very good ;o)
if u want a real FW, that real protect your computer with lots of options and configurations use a balck box FW... and not application based FW.
the app based FW is bulshit, and make u more troble then help.

but if u want an app after all i would recommend blackice
this is not free, but u know what to do with that i imagine ;)

Buy it :). Hahaha. Anyway, BlackIce is really nice. However, the reputation it has is not that good.

app based means application based FW... means that u use an application to do a hardware job...

like u can encode movies using app and encoder, but the best way of encoding a movie is using a hardware to do the encoding.

same with FW, there r black boxes like this one:

ti install between the modem and the internet to block all unwanted entries.

enjoy :)
we have updates or something? I dont think that it is reliable, dunno. for me a firewall protects against against softwares with app based better. Does this have a software?