Forced Air Cooling: Performance vs Quiet

Forced Air Cooling: Performance or Stealth?

  • Performance Only .... The louder the better!

    Votes: 26 55.3%
  • Stealth Only .... I have sensitive ears!

    Votes: 10 21.3%
  • Don't make me choose ... I've got a mix!

    Votes: 11 23.4%

  • Total voters


Staff member
As far as CPU and chassis fans go ... where are most people on this ... "ultra loud highly effective fans" or "super quiet stealth fans"?

im not one for anything loud...but it doesnt bug me if my computer sounds like a lef long as it runs and stays cool with a good overclock i dont care how loud it gets. but i do my fair share to try and keep it as quiet as possible.
Two 80mm Sunons @50CFM, two Aerocool X-Blasters @ 52CFM, one 120mm Vantec Stealth @ 50CFM and a Thermaltake POLO 735 HSF with an 80mm fan @ 79 CFM.

I like it loud.

Although I do have them all on a fanbus to tone things down when the system is idling :)
Nephilim said:
Although I do have them all on a fanbus to tone things down when the system is idling :)

i only have my CPU fan connected to fan controller. but its always at 100% cuz its quiet even then. my case fans need to be on one of them though...if only they were cheaper.
Look around you can geta a Vantec Nexux 205 or Nexus 205 for $25 with some searching :)
I prefer it quiet but I'll set my fans to high if I feel that I need to keep it cooler.
2nd box:
1x Foxconn 92mm exhaust, ~2200RPM
1x JMC 80mm intake, ~2400RPM
1x Zalman 92mm on CPU, ~2000RPM
1x Adda 80mm in PSU, ~?RPM
A good balance between quiet and powerful. CPU at 27C, MB at 27C, HDD at 27C.

1st box:
1x temp control 80mm in PSU
1x temp control 92mm exhaust, ducted to CPU
Quiet. Too quiet.
I dont care if it is loud, as long as it is cool. Ill buy a fan controller for when I need my comp to be quiet :)
i have it mixed. quiet is good as long as it does the job but when im gaming or playing music and dont care about the sound then i turn it all the way up.
my computer is dead silent. WHen i turn it on all i hear is my HDDs "Reving" up to speed then after that i only know its on by the lights:) I didnt even buy any special fans or anything, just bought 4x 80mm 28dc fans and a few fan controllers and i am running passive cooling on my Cpu.
Praetor said:
As far as CPU and chassis fans go ... where are most people on this ... "ultra loud highly effective fans" or "super quiet stealth fans"?


I got to say I like it silent mate.
Much better for games!!!!!.
I have one 120 Silent x fan in case to cool raptors,and thats it.
i like when it is quitte, but if it is loud it is fine as long as it is doing its job...<---- gives me a sense of power
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