FS/FT: Bare Bones - Soyo KT400 Ultra, AMD 2400+, and more! ($180 Shipped) [Pics!!!]


New Member
1. A-Top XBlade Black/Silver Ultimate Gaming Machine With 450W PSU & Side window, Model "AT859A-BK"
--a. Missing XBlade logo on side intake.
--b. A circle cut in the side for a Cathode switch.

2. AMD Sempron 2400+ 1.667GHz, 333MHZ FSB, 256K L2 Processor

3. 2x Rounded ATA133/100/66/33 cables.

4. 3x Blue LED fans.

5. Soyo KT400 Dragon Ultra Black Ed. Motherboard, 8x AGP, 200/266 FSB

6. Thermaltake Volcano 11-Xaser Edition
--a. no fan grill due to less air flow and more noise.

7. clip-on RAM lights (Blue, multiple light shows)

8. Blue Cathode
--a. room on inverter for an extra cathode

$180 Shipped
($214 value for $180)

Or trade a (AMD64 3000+ 939) or higher

Email me: [email protected]
AIM: Foolish Hacking
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