Good price for Photoshop?

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New Member
Right now I have PS 7.0 on an old 98SE computer. It works well enough, but I want to have PS on my new computer, and lo' and behold the CD has vanished. So I need to purchase a new version. The prices seem ridiculous, and the cheapest I found was a student copy of CS2 for ~$287 (I can get it through school). Is this the cheapest I can possibly get it for?

It would be a major chink in my pocketbook, and I just want the best deal.
You could just get photoshop elements.

See if it does everyting you need it to do. If so, i think it's like 1/5 the price.
If you can really get CS2, and want it, for that price, then go for it. CS2 retail is like 800 bucks.
CS2 is a very good piece of software, in my oppinion quite a bit better than PS7.0. It's worth the 300$.
I could get photoshop cs2 with all the updates including serial number and activation number.
It is not an original it is a copied version but it works just like the original.
You can buy it off me for a price
I will listen to most offers around the 60 pound mark.
email me at [email protected] if youre interested:)
I could get photoshop cs2 with all the updates including serial number and activation number.
It is not an original it is a copied version but it works just like the original.
You can buy it off me for a price
I will listen to most offers around the 60 pound mark.
email me at [email protected] if youre interested:)

That is illegal and against forum rules.

ian said:
1. Posting/discussion about software cracks, serial no's, and illegal downloading and duplication of software is prohibited.
I work at a designing firm, we get them for abotu $150.00 .

And for the dude saying he can get he hacked version for a payment to u.. haha, anyone can get it threw p2p shareware, so why pay you? haha, kids.
I work at a designing firm, we get them for abotu $150.00 .

And for the dude saying he can get he hacked version for a payment to u.. haha, anyone can get it threw p2p shareware, so why pay you? haha, kids.

yeah wholesale multi-licensing purchases are great aren't they? :D
If you know anybody in college you can get cs2 at almost half the price with their student discount. This goes for anybody. My gf went back to college in january for her nursing masters and I was able to get CS 2.3 premium for $380

I can get that if I want, I'm a member of a college, but it's still a crap load of money. I decided to stick with my old version for now...
I am a share owner and manager of a photography business.......Do you really think you need CS2? I only use that on the biz's PC, at home I use Elements 5.0. You do not want CS2, if you have ever been in it, you will know it is not user friendly, unlike 5.0 or 7.0. By the way, $150.00 for CS2 is not legal, I got my CS2 directly from Adobe for $400 and it was the best deal that they could cut us. Unless you are in the biz I am in or in graphics design, you do not need CS2. Go get Elem 5.0 for $80-100.
just to let you know that Photoshop cs 3 is coming, wait and see the prices for that, its definitely very expensive but the price of cs2 will go down.
Buying directly from a manufacturer normally will not get you any kind of break. Manufacturers want you to buy from their distributors. Buying multiple copies at once from distributors is where you will get your cost cutting. My company, for example, just bought 1 pallet's worth of autocad 2007. Retail price: $3500/each our price: $275/each. I'm willing to bet that most people did what I did and asked for a copy when they placed the order. The same thing went for Solidworks 2007. I paid $250 for my copy(I can't run these until I get my new pile going but hey they only order this stuff once every 2 or 3 years :D). Buying even 5 copies of a piece of software from a manufacturer will not get you any kind of real discount but you probably could have gotten a better deal if you asked whoever the sales rep at adobe was to point you towards a distributor and bought from them instead.
I've been using PS7 for 5 years now and have tried CS2 on the comps at school and I really don't see enough of an improvement to switch, they only major thing I saw is you can edit HDR images and that would help with my 3D renders but its not worth the cost.
Everything is practically the same. You really don't need CS2 if all you do is edit, crop, some design, etc..

Unless you are an experienced professional and know how to actually use all of Photoshop's features, 7.0 is still an excellent programs. However, aside from that ~280 is a pretty good price. Unless you look at places such as ebay and unfamiliar sites, you'll probably find it cheaper, but do you want to?
I also wish I could have cs2. I have it now on my old computer (a guy i know put it on there illegally) and now that I bought a new computer...I'm looking into buying it (or was...until I saw the price).

I guess I'll look into elements or something, because I'm in no way an advanced user of cs2...nor do I need it, I just enjoy it.
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