Good PS3 Titles


Active Member
OK, so I have a PS3 coming in the mail soon. It comes with Bioshock 2, and I am downloading Stardust HD asap. But, I will need new games...I already decided I could just borrow God of War 3 from a friend. And possibly Hot Pursuit. But what other good titles are out there? I probably won't be getting Gran Turismo 5.


Active Member
Why are you not getting Gran Turismo 5? It should be one of the greatest games made. I hear some of my friends are going crazy about that game. I dont currently own PS3 but just curious.


Active Member
Why are you not getting Gran Turismo 5? It should be one of the greatest games made. I hear some of my friends are going crazy about that game. I dont currently own PS3 but just curious.

Because I need a wheel for a game like that, which I can't afford...otherwise I would. I've played a sim similar, and without a wheel, it's not worth it. Don't know how to explain it. But you need a wheel, and a decent one at that.

Quilt, JN, thanks. I played one of the Resistance games on my PSP, was pretty damn good. Res 5 too.

Linkin, thats, but I've played that on PC so much...ya know.

Thanks guys, I will remember these games.


New Member
If you havn't tried assassins creed yet try the 1st one 2nd one or 3rd one (Havnt tried the third one myself but they all kick ass)
The story is just amazing :O

Oh and > Red dead redemption is good :F


Active Member
If you havn't tried assassins creed yet try the 1st one 2nd one or 3rd one (Havnt tried the third one myself but they all kick ass)
The story is just amazing :O

Oh and > Red dead redemption is good :F

Played first 2 assassins creed games...and yeah, they are good.

yes, Red dead is awesome!