GTX 1080 in Canada

Calgary's got Memory Express. The selections not as good as NCIX or Newegg, but you can still pricematch them.
The screwjob continues..

The FE GTX 1080 is $1049.99 in Canada, over $130 more than the current exchange to US.

I guess that means the GTX 1070 is gonna be more affordable at $799.99!

time for Road Trip to New York I think to get THIS!!!
Probably the same for the UK too. At least you can hop down into the States and get one. By the time I've got one shipped over it's an old card and more expensive due to import taxes. :(
Not to mention customer service in Europe is basically non existent. Enjoy the RMA process if something were to go wrong. :p
Meh, I'm still waiting to see how much the 1070's gonna cost up here on launch day. 1080's great and all.. but it's way too damn expensive.
Wait till October and "Vega" and you'll see prices dropping out of the sky I'd wager. Particularly if pricing/performance ratios scale somewhat based off what the 480 is.
ORRRR.... AMD prices them around the same as Nvidia's prices and we all get screwed by them. :mad: