Guild Wars


New Member
hey, has any one here played or heard of guild wars, how is it, is it better then wow and what are your opinions on like the bad and the good, thnx, might buy it


New Member
I have guild wars prophecies, factions, nightfall with eye of the north on order.

I personally think its a brilliant game, lots of good fun, no monthly fees and good graphics. Good for people new and old to mmorpgs. Guild wars and world of warcraft are definately 2 of the best mmorpgs. Guild wars however doesnt have realtime like world of warcraft but world of warcraft has a monthly fee. Guild wars has given me lots of fun, I would recommend it. If you get it let me know Ill add u :D


Staff member
I like Guild Wars, it's nice not having a monthly fee and it's graphics and gameplay are good as well. When you go out of town the outside 'belongs' to you and your party, you don't run into any other players out there which is what deathrow was getting at with the no realtime I think.


New Member
I have guild wars prophecies, factions, nightfall with eye of the north on order.

I personally think its a brilliant game, lots of good fun, no monthly fees and good graphics. Good for people new and old to mmorpgs. Guild wars and world of warcraft are definately 2 of the best mmorpgs. Guild wars however doesnt have realtime like world of warcraft but world of warcraft has a monthly fee. Guild wars has given me lots of fun, I would recommend it. If you get it let me know Ill add u :D

I like Guild Wars, it's nice not having a monthly fee and it's graphics and gameplay are good as well. When you go out of town the outside 'belongs' to you and your party, you don't run into any other players out there which is what deathrow was getting at with the no realtime I think.

I agree with both these posts, I have played Guild wars a little and is a OK game, I dont play it much but thats one thing i like about it, since you not paying a monthly fee you dont feel bad for not playing. the graphix and game play are good and the travel system is a lot better then WOW you can transport form to towns you dont spend have your time flying.

the map system is a not as easy to read as Wow but its kinda cool that way
i would say if you go ahead and try it its a good game


Active Member
i am also considering getting the game, but i need to know one thing: am i going to spend six out of seven playing hours grinding my player to a higher level??? i haaaaate that with a passion


Oh my god is this game for you haha, it is specifically designed to comabat player grind, you gain levels by completeing missions etc, very little exp is gained by giong out and killing monsters etc.
I own the games its fantastic, i love how you can have a tough week at work not play for 7 days and just pick up right where you left off


New Member
I have the first two campaigns and I like it so far... there is a level cap to promote balance among the players and again as Cromewell and Deathrow had said it, when you go out of the town/outpost, you have the whole world to yourself, your party and the monsters...
so there is no case where you moved out of town and someone with a higher level than you just kill you right at the doorstep... this is what i like about GuildWars as well other than the no monthly fees...

as for the grind, completing quest will get you to reach the level cap pretty easily without any grind... just follow the storyline and you will be there in no time...



New Member
what guildwars game do i have to buy, if i buy nightfall will i be online or is that an expansion pack, im ocnfused, some 1 tell me the guildwars i have to buy to start playing with my friends if i had friends that played lol


New Member
Well theres 3 games, prohecies, factions and nightfall, you can play them all individually, 3 seperate accounts with seperate characters or you can merge all 3 together into one account (add the cd keys to one account) and then your characters can visit all the places. You dont need all 3 but if you want to have the full story line and go everywhere you probably would, If you just want 1 then go for nightfall as Chupacabra said its the latest one with more people. Eye of the North - the new actual expansion which you need one of the other 3 completed to be able to play on it.

I think you can get prohecies and factions together for £20 or nightfall on its own for £15. Eye of the north will be sold for around £18 to £22


Staff member
The thing with nightfall is it has the worst initial grind. Prophecies has the least grind, it works you up to the level cap over the course of about half the game, factions works you up to around the level cap faster but it was still somewhat fun at the beginning. People might be going back to prophecies once Eye of the North is released.


VIP Member
Prophecies (the original) is rather deserted last time I checked..., at least compared to before. However, any of the three versions out of the game can be purchased and played independently of the other two.


Active Member
how does the world size compare to wow. imo, wow is huge, is gw just as big?

Im confused as how the expansions work, can you just buy nightfall (and start a new character) and not have to have prophicies (the original right?)

will it run on my comp (specs in sig *tear*)

is there any way of trying it out before buying it? Like wow has a demo...

Or should I around for a trusting soul (aka, barrow someones account for a day)
PM me and ill love you :D

I just hate buying games without playing them.


Active Member surprised not a one of you doesn't like it. Im sorry i don't personally like it and iv played tons of MMo's. Some mmos are worth paying for others aren't. If you had to pay to play i personally wouldn't. I don't really like the game that much.

Le GoogelGuRu

New Member
I think Guild Wars is a good game. I have prophecies (game of the year edition) and I just started playing yesterday and the experience is better than World of Warcraft in my opinion for several reasons:

1) It's free. World of Warcraft costs $15 per month. That's $180 in a year or $360 in two.
2) After you leave a town, you get the entire world to yourself. There are no other PVP players there to kill you, just you (and your party) have the whole world to explore.
3) It's focused around quests more than grinding. I hate grinding in every way. By the time I reached level 15 in World of Warcraft, I was so annoyed and bored with the game that I just gave up. Guild Wars appears to be different --- I'm only at level three right now but the missions are actually fun unlike World of Warcraft.
4) The graphics look nice... even on my slow and worthless laptop.

Another thing I should mention is you need to download the towns as you go or right click the desktop shortcut and under target enter -image at the end so it will download all the required components. If you use -image, after the download is complete, you must remove the -image command from the shortcut to play.


New Member
i am also considering getting the game, but i need to know one thing: am i going to spend six out of seven playing hours grinding my player to a higher level??? i haaaaate that with a passion

It'll take you seven hours to reach the max level. Probably around that time anyways.

Im confused as how the expansions work, can you just buy nightfall (and start a new character) and not have to have prophicies (the original right?)

is there any way of trying it out before buying it? Like wow has a demo...

If you know someone that's going to buy the game in store(the newest one at least), or receiving a retail copy of the game, then they'll have a free trial access code. You could also check and ask there if anyone is willing to give it to you.

As for your expansion question. The only expansion to this series, from what I've read anyways(I've been out of the loop for a year), is Eye of the North. Prophecies, Factions, and Nightfall are all stand-alone games. You don't need the previous game to play the newer games, only for Eye of the North since it goes back to where Prophecies started, I guess.

I've played the original Prophecies campaign and Factions. Prophecies was really fun, especially the PvP. Now, the way PvP is, it sucks compared to the old times. Especially with the Hall of Heroes, the new concept is pathetic and requires no strategy or skills to win it, I wish it was still King of the Hill battle. Also, try to get into a guild if you want to PvP, or even PvE also. It's more fun to play with other people. When it first came out, I've played with people all around the world. Except Japan and Thailand because they came aboard just after I stopped playing the game. The PvP is so much fun because you have to create strategies, builds, and team work. Unfortunately, it seems like guild vs. guild is the only part of PvP that does this. I don't like the way Hall of Heroes is now.
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