Halo 3 vs. Crysis

which do you think is better?

  • Halo 3

    Votes: 24 30.8%
  • Crysis

    Votes: 54 69.2%

  • Total voters


the 2 most hyped games, for the 2 different systems only. which do you think is better. (not how many will be sold, but in your own honest opinions)

for me, i think Crysis all the way. IMHO i think halo is a over hyped over rated game and die hard halo fans have been brainwashed. the single player sux, the only good multi is Halo custom edition. what do you think?
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Crysis, since it's a PC game. Well, actually, I'm sure Halo 3 will come out for PC in 5 years and Microsoft will make you pay $500 for their new, crappy, broken OS to play it.

Ya, I think I'll take Crysis.
I don't which one would be better, I've played neither. ;) If you asked which one will sell better it be, hands down, halo 3. Back when I was a console gamer I heard it everywhere, magazines, game store employees; Pc gaming is dying, consoles are the "new" thing. There was abit of truth to it, console gaming holds a position above Pc, in terms of numbers, price, and reception. Thus the overhyped, great console game will sell more than the gamer-hyped, great pc game.

Er.. back on subject. If I had to guess I'd guess Crysis. The Halo series hasn't changed much over the years, and Halo 3 will be very similar to H2, possibly to the point where you feel you're playing it just in a new setting , new graphics etc. Crysis is a new intellectual property, offering a couple new tricks to the proverbial bag. and the graphic are prettier. Yum. :D
well.. I'm looking forward to both games. but I'm looking much more forward to halo 3 t than to crysis. hance my choice :D

for example.. Ive read so far that in Halo 3 you can play the single player campaign Coop with up to 4 people. thats great! :)
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I don't which one would be better, I've played neither. ;) If you asked which one will sell better it be, hands down, halo 3. Back when I was a console gamer I heard it everywhere, magazines, game store employees; Pc gaming is dying, consoles are the "new" thing. There was abit of truth to it, console gaming holds a position above Pc, in terms of numbers, price, and reception. Thus the overhyped, great console game will sell more than the gamer-hyped, great pc game.

Er.. back on subject. If I had to guess I'd guess Crysis. The Halo series hasn't changed much over the years, and Halo 3 will be very similar to H2, possibly to the point where you feel you're playing it just in a new setting , new graphics etc. Crysis is a new intellectual property, offering a couple new tricks to the proverbial bag. and the graphic are prettier. Yum. :D

thank torrents =D
anyone remotely computer savvy tends to torrent single player games on pc >_>
that's why counterstrike always sold so well, it was a solid online game that required purchase.
thank torrents =D
anyone remotely computer savvy tends to torrent single player games on pc >_>
that's why counterstrike always sold so well, it was a solid online game that required purchase.

Much to the distress of the clumsy mediadefender and game developers. :p But still, the ability to "torrent" games doesn't seem to be the only reason Pc gaming sales are so low, if that's part of what you were implying, I can't tell. Out of a million possible sales, only a small percentage is made up of pirated copies, mostly because of the average consumer knows nada concerning computers, or simply P2P software.. In the US, I mean, concerning the lower piracy rate compared to legit sales. Elsewhere I'm sure this type of thing may be the only way to procure a copy, in which case the definition of "stealing" can be a blurry or misconceptionalized (big word XD), in my mind at the very least.

Maybe it's just perception. I grew up on consoles, and saw PC gaming as a totally different genre. Not nerdy, per say, but more involved, complicated. Maybe that's how the average joe see's PC gaming. That and one of the largest markets of consoles these days are children, and who wants to give their kid a expensive PC to tinker with, compared to the easier to use, more defined, and cheaper console?
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Its easier to get a console then it is a gaming PC.

Like for LAN parties, its easier to host an Xbox LAN, since with PC's you have to bring a monitor, keyboard, mouse, computer, ext.
With the Xbox LAN, its the Xbox and maybe a TV.

Though I am looking forward to Halo 3.
Crysis not so much, yet, need to compare my specs and whatnot.
yer true i agree with g4m3rof1337 and u dont need to worry about your specs with a console....but never the less im looking forward to crysis !!!! with my new comp on the way
halo 3 all the way for me. For one the single player doesnt suck, cept maybe halo 2, but still it pushed you to see the ending so badly, that it set the series up for halo 3. and according to bungie when they let the press see it, one of the press members said that the ending was perfect. then aside from single player, theres multiplayer with xbox live and the map editor (forge), not to mention saved films which you can take screenshots from and upload them to bungie.net and do whatever you want with them. Halo 3 will outlast any game.
Halo 3 , hand downs, hopefully Bungie will put more effort with multi player ( i mean more grunts or characters)
I never really liked xbox's or halo. I already has my PS2 and Counter-Strike. Playing halo or halo 2 online is so much like counter-strike but I like the realism side. Not like plasma rifles and all that jazz. I'm looking forward more towards Crysis. The game play looks amazing.
Crysis without a doubt! Halo 3, C'mon, another one, Yeah, alright the first two were a hit, but don't drag it on!
lol. so far, its Crysis FTW. and as you can see as the picture by my name, i think Crysis all the way.
hmm i will go with halo 3, just because console gaming can be so much more fun, and with halo 3 its gonna be familiar, with controls and what-not, but there will be soo many new things you might have to get a tutorial :)
There's no doubt that Halo 3 will be awesome. But I'm sick of people acting like their lives won't begin until Halo 3 is launched. A friend of mine just bought a 360 for Halo 3 and nothing else. To me, that is madness and to that end, my vote goes to Crysis.