"Help, I need somebody, Help"


New Member
Hey my Computer Forum buddies! So last month my computer was struck by lighting. My insurance just call and they are sending my 2100 dollars for them. Although 1100 will be used to buying a laptop. What should I do with the other 1000. I can pretty much build a computer but I think I'm just going to upgrade parts.

Computer Specs Currently and working status:
MB: Gigabyte EP45-UD3R - Works
CPU: Intel Quad Core Q660 - Work
Memory: Corsair 2 x 2 Gigs - eh
GPU: PNY Nvidia 8800 GT - DEAD
PSU: Roswell 500 Watt - DEAD
HDD: Seagate Barracuda 250 GIGS - Slow but works
Case: Mid-sized gaming case, Custom - If left over money I will buy a new one

Okay so you see what is dead and you see what works. Here is what I may get:

Video Card: http://tiny.cc/rOdcn
Memory: http://tiny.cc/gVw4b
HDD: http://tiny.cc/h4Gh2
PSU: http://tiny.cc/AkYym

That is what I would like to get with this money. I do have about 1000 to spend but I really don't want to use all of it because I could use the rest for college.

Please let me know what your thoughts are and if you see something I should change let me know, also if you see something I should change in my working stuff let me know that to.

I do a lot of video editing, programming, websites, and gaming so if you can find stuff that will suite me for that, that would be awesome. Thanks guys.
Wow that was quick, I might go with that, i didn't even look at those videos cards. I should get and HD card because we are an HD world now. I should probably buy a HD Monitor too. But we will see on that one.

Regarding the HDD, I should have put this in my post, but, I only go with seagate because I have found them to having better drives and support. I have had 5 WD drives die on me in the past 2 of which were DOA. but.. thanks
It's my home insurance. We had to send both the desktop and the laptop to a computer tech place that they recommend. They do test and research and then tell the insurance company how much the computer is on market at (or how much we paid for it) and how much they think we should get.
Wow that was quick, I might go with that, i didn't even look at those videos cards. I should get and HD card because we are an HD world now. I should probably buy a HD Monitor too. But we will see on that one.

Regarding the HDD, I should have put this in my post, but, I only go with seagate because I have found them to having better drives and support. I have had 5 WD drives die on me in the past 2 of which were DOA. but.. thanks
Ive had the same issue with seagate, 2 drives doa, and one of the drives i got back was doa. Plus seagates support sucks, you have to buy $15 worth of packaging just to send the drives back. With WD you can just antistaticbag and bubblewrap them, while seagate it is "3 inches all sides foam rubber, antistatic bag" so it not only required more materials, but a 12x9x9 box.
Touche, lol, I guess it really depends who you are. I have never had problems with seagate and you have never had problems with WD.
The only drives I've had issue with were one Maxtor 120Gb drive and
almost every Samsung drive that Dell put into their older Dimensions. :mad:
Touche, lol, I guess it really depends who you are. I have never had problems with seagate and you have never had problems with WD.
Oh ive had problems with WD,dont get me wrong(it happens to all of us, id say failure rates of wd and seagate around about the same percentage). But if i do have a problem, i highly prefer the wd rma process. You even get a free prepaid shipping label with wd. Just a matter of preference though, no idea how reliable the 7200.12's are, but i do know the 7200.11 had a very high failure rate(although, if you got a working one it tends to be fine, most drives that failed had a firmware issue or doa, cant complain about mine other than having to rma both, and one twice,but good transfer rates on then, have 2 in raid 0..bought em before all the reports of failure flooded the forums/reviews on newegg).

The only drives I've had issue with were one Maxtor 120Gb drive and
almost every Samsung drive that Dell put into their older Dimensions. :mad:
Dont you mean every samsung drive?:p older hitachi and almost all toshiba drives though are super unreliable from what ive found. Had to replace a toshiba drive in a laptop 6 times in a year(kept sending it back to the manufacturer) and then 3 months out of warranty it failed again. Threw a seagate in there and 5 years later still runs fine.
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Dont you mean every samsung drive?:p

I guess technically yes, since the only Samsung drives I've encountered were
in the Dimensions, and so far they've all been junk. :(

I have one right now that works fine as storage but I can't install an OS on it. :eek:
But, I don't trust it so to the garbage it will go.
I've had no problems with my Samsung. Used to get WD and had no problems with them, then all of a sudden every WD I got would fail within a few months. I then switched to Seagate with no problems whatsoever.