Help me find email service for extra credit with computer class


New Member
I am taking an online course in computers for college. We have a chance at earning extra credit if we can find the out which email service Rina Ben-Yaacov of Tel Aviv, Israel uses. I have tried many different ways to find it but have been unsuccesful. Please help! If you have any suggestions, or can actually find the answer to this question I would be extremely grateful!!


VIP Member
dont double post someone will answer your question eventually,
personally i would just call them and ask, but i'm sure you'll find a better answer to you question form someone


<b>VIP Member</b>

I would almost bet it could be WALLA. Have a look here : or alternatively the proper Israeli version - this is just my guess but given that it's the largest free e-mail service in Israel, I would think this could just be it.

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