

New Member
ok so we were building a computer for my freind (its pretty much the same computer as mine, so its not like it was anything new). so we got it all put together and it turned on just fine. so next i put in the windowsXP disc and set the BIOS to boot from the CD. windows installed just fine and everything. next, my two freinds went back to the BIOS because it seemed logical to them to change the boot up from CD to harddrive. after they switched from CD to harddrive on the primary and secondary boot, the computer would no longer work correctly. everything powers up but the monitor gets no signal(it just sits with the orange light) and i have no way of doing anything in BIOS of course becasue we cant even see anyhthiung. (yes we chekced all connections and we even switched cards out to make sure it wasnt the card. and help would be appreciated. thanks! (o ya, we even tried switching outth e harddirves)

by the way, the system specs are as follows:
gigabyte nforce 2
amd 2700+
512 ddr dual channel
geforce fx 5200
what about clearing the bios? Either you need to move a jumper or short(small screwdriver across 2 solder pads) to clear it. You will need to read the mobo manual to see what you have to do. Once its clear, it should revert back to the default settings. Hope this helps :cool:
hey thanks alot for your reply it sounds like what we need to do.... but can u explain how to do what you said? i dont want to mess anything up and of course the motherboard manual kinda sucks.

the manual say to clear the CMOS by shorting the CLR_CMOS thing on the mother board... but it doesnt really say how. im guessing i just tough a screwdriver to the 2 little prongs while the computer is off?
Ok, somewhere in the manual it should tell you how to clear cmos. It will tell you the proper way to do it. Do you have more specs, like model number and such for that mobo?
ya its a gigabyte GA-7N400-L

and it says either to clear CMOS with the CLR_CMOS on the MB(buty it doest really saw how) or to take out the battery and let it drain.
woops you beat me to it :p . but yes with the computer off, use a small screw driver and touch the 2 solder pads. Hold it there for i guess like 20-30 seconds. Then turn it on and see if it starts.
use a small screw driver and touch the 2 solder pads. Hold it there for I guess like 20-30 seconds. Then turn it on and see if it starts.
Also need to pop the battery sometimes :)