HiGrade Xperian bought 2002


New Member
Does anyone have or know anyone who has a HiGrade Xperian media computer? A friend has one and she has had countless difficulties with it since it was purchased in 2002. The Xperian had a wonderful review and that was why she and her husband bought it. It has had four hard drive replacements by the manufacturers - computer is on a three year extended guarantee. It is absolutely unreliable, constantly freezes etc. etc. and because of this it has hardly been used. Manufacturers claim they have sold thousands without complaint. I am very interested to hear of other people's experiences.
you said that the computer constantly freezes up, that could be caused by many things including viruses and rescource hogging background programs.
I have never heard of that brand/model of computer, but I agree that there are many explanations for freezings... Not the least of which is spyware, adware, viruses, etc. As for the hard drives, I had one go bad on my Dell after a little more than 2 years, sometimes hard drives are just bad, and it sounds like they have had a lot of bad luck... I would just try cleaning up the computer with something to get rid of all that malware and see how that helps! :)
Thanks so much for your responses. Sorry for the delay in coming back but the Xperian has had other adventures and I have been on holiday in Carinthia.

Sounds lazy, but I haven't done a full spec on the Xperian - the reason being that is is back with its owner who lives 100 miles away from me. Well. I say back with the owner, but its adventure didn't end there. After we received it back from HiGrade and returned it to owner, we checked it was OK before leaving her home, having put in no additional programs other than Norton AV and restored her link with Tiscali ISP. We disabled internet access so she couldn't access the Net and said if the computer behaved itself we would collect it and connect to our own Broadband network to download SP2 and Norton virus updates and anti-spyware. Well. after we departed she played one of her CDs, next morning she tried to play it again and the computer froze. So, back to the manufacturers it went (they arrange collection and delivery). It was duly returned with the comment that it had a deep seated virus which they had had trouble removing and that they had put in an extra program to co-ordinate and run the other programs smoothly. Well, she unpacked it, set it up and before it got to the Microsoft welcome screen, it froze again. So what she is going to say to HiGrade I daren't imagine. She is totally fed up with it. Manufacturers had offered to buy it back for £200 or alternatively they advised her to flog it on e-bay!

I have sent owner details about the UK small claims court as I think she may be entitled to more than £200 on the grounds that the computer has never worked satisfactorily. It was a new concept in 2003 and HiGrade no longer make them. I have posted a similar enquiry on a couple of other forums and nobody knows of them. The Xperian is a media center with television receiver, DVD player and computer with an integral flat screen. Methinks the spec is not sufficient to run all its functions and it will never, ever work as it has a design fault. If anyone is interested in seeing such a beautiful but useless object there is a photo and review at http://www.pcplus.co.uk/reviews/default.as...subsectionid=34

Once again, many thanks to you all!
Hi Praetor,

No idea what the virus is/was. I think it is an invisible gremlin which only attacks Elaine's Xperian! Being serious for a minute, I honestly do not believe it is a virus although I do agree that viruses and malware can affect a computer in this way. I am sure the machine was no more than a prototype and it was soon discovered that the design and components were inadequate and hence no more than a few were made. It was never licensed by Microsoft presumably because it didn't meet their spec for a media center. I think HiGrade's comment that they have sold 'thousands' is a fairy tale, because I have posted similar enquiries on two other forums and no-one has even heard of HiGrade. HiGrade was chosen as a reputable manufacturer as it supplies the UK Home Office (fact!) One thing is certain, I would never, ever, recommend HiGrade to anyone and as for Xperians - I am glad they were removed from production. I think Xperians should be put down to bad Xperience. But many thanks for your interest and the info has been very helpful. 'Spect you have built your own computer as I have and it works like a dream. Cheers!